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Researchers Identify Diets in Mid-Life Linked to Healthy Aging
Ongoing evidence is hard to ignore: Diets with minimal ultra-processed food and low to moderate amounts of animal-based foods improve healthy longevity.

Researchers Identify Diets in Mid-Life Linked to Healthy Aging
Ongoing evidence is hard to ignore: Diets with minimal ultra-processed food and low to moderate amounts of animal-based foods improve healthy longevity.

‘Bob Trevino Likes It’: Relying on the Kindness of Strangers
‘Bob Trevino Likes It’ reminds us that valuable human relationships can occur randomly and that spiritual connections can be far more powerful than bloodlines.

‘The Friend’: Get the Tissue Boxes Ready
Naomi Watts delivers her career-best performance starring opposite a Great Dane.

Ex Libris: Harry Truman
In this installment of our ‘Ex Libris’ series, we look at the books that influenced the last US president who guided the country through post-WWII changes.

‘Bob Trevino Likes It’: Relying on the Kindness of Strangers
‘Bob Trevino Likes It’ reminds us that valuable human relationships can occur randomly and that spiritual connections can be far more powerful than bloodlines.

How Much Do You Know?
If you’re someone who struggles with choosing a wine at a restaurant, this might help.
Rick Steves’ Europe: A Crossroads of Civilizations in Istanbul
While the Old World magic in many parts of the city has been plowed under by modern affluence, today’s Istanbul is as rich and rewarding as it was before.
The St. Johns River: 30 Experiences to Explore the Scenic Florida Waterway
Modern-day explorers can find natural serenity and plenty of places for a full immersion in the wilderness along Florida’s longest river.
Thailand Plans to Cut Tourists’ Visa-Free Stays to 30 Days
The move to a shortened visa-free period will have very low negative impact on tourism.
Rick Steves’ Europe: A Crossroads of Civilizations in Istanbul
While the Old World magic in many parts of the city has been plowed under by modern affluence, today’s Istanbul is as rich and rewarding as it was before.