A Splendid Biography of a Forgotten Founding Father

A Splendid Biography of a Forgotten Founding Father

Witness the rise of the man behind the signature, in the new biography ‘King Hancock.’ It traces the life, politics, and influence of John Hancock.
Jimmy Failla’s ‘Cancel Culture Dictionary’

Jimmy Failla’s ‘Cancel Culture Dictionary’

“An A to Z Guide to Winning the War on Fun,” as the book is aptly subtitled, is the comedian’s clever defense of free speech and civil discourse.
Did a Family History Project Just Change Football’s History?

Did a Family History Project Just Change Football’s History?

Family folklore, a box of vintage photos, and a century-old scandal―‘Gridiron Legacy’ weaves a story with culturally historic implications.
2023 Christmas Books for Children

2023 Christmas Books for Children

Picture books filled with lyrical lines and magical moments put a smile on children’s faces this holiday season.
‘The Ancient Assyrians: Empire and Army, 883–612 BC’


A Study of Robert Frost to Better Understand Life

A Study of Robert Frost to Better Understand Life

‘Robert Frost: Sixteen Poems to Learn by Heart’ plunges readers into the heart of the poet and his poetry while reflecting our own struggles and questions.
The Russian Space Program: A Potemkin Village in the High Frontier

The Russian Space Program: A Potemkin Village in the High Frontier

John Strausbaugh’s ‘The Wrong Stuff’ discusses how Russia’s quest to be first in the Space Race endangered the lives of its cosmonauts.
Presenting the History of the World Through the Eyes of Alexandria

Presenting the History of the World Through the Eyes of Alexandria

A sweeping and illuminating biography of one of the world’s great cities, ‘Alexandria’ is nothing less than a literary triumph.
A Brief Look Into the Underground World of World War I

A Brief Look Into the Underground World of World War I

In his analysis, Simon Jones’s ‘The War Underground 1914–18’ presents the tactics, equipment, and underwhelming results of mining.
Bringing History to Life: The Mayflower

Bringing History to Life: The Mayflower

‘Project Mayflower’ gives readers a look at one of the first attempts to bring history to life using a historically accurate ship replica.
Social Media and the Anxious Generation

Social Media and the Anxious Generation

Jonathan Haidt’s “The Anxious Generation” describes how social media has harmed our youth. He also suggests how we might move beyond these problems.
An Impassioned Account of Two 19th-Century Political Giants

An Impassioned Account of Two 19th-Century Political Giants

Edward McClelland’s ‘Chorus of the Union: How Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas Set Aside Their Rivalry to Save the Nation’ is a compelling read.
‘The Devil’s Spies’: A Historical Fiction About Communism

‘The Devil’s Spies’: A Historical Fiction About Communism

In this new novel for older teens and up, spies abound as the Berlin Wall divides families and friends.
A Splendid Biography of a Forgotten Founding Father

A Splendid Biography of a Forgotten Founding Father

Witness the rise of the man behind the signature, in the new biography ‘King Hancock.’ It traces the life, politics, and influence of John Hancock.