More Celebrities Are Saying Goodbye to Their Fillers
A recent American Society of Plastic Surgeons study found the use of dermal filler treatments is up 8 percent.
A Wildfire Preparedness Guide: Steps to Take Before, During, and After a Fire
The magnitude of California’s fires are bringing to light the importance of preparedness at all levels—from homeowners, to communities, to cities, and states.
How a Survivalist and Former U.S. Army Intelligence Officer Prepares for Emergencies
Jim Rawles, the founder of, shares his family’s disaster preparedness essentials.
Prepare Your Pets for Natural Disasters
Start planning now so you have the necessary supplies, records, and a plan in case of an emergency.
Your Ultimate Guide to Gift-Giving Etiquette
How do you accept a horrible gift? Do you really need to write a thank-you note? And other questions answered by etiquette experts.
Water Prep Guide: Here’s How to Store, Filter, and Source Fresh Water
Humans can only last three days without water—making it your most essential resource in any emergency.
Winter Survival Guide: Make Your Car Winter Storm Proof | Facts Matter
In December 2022, the northeastern U.S. was hit by a devastating four-day blizzard.
Family Preparedness Essentials
Food, water, and power are the top priorities in an emergency.
Let There Be Light: Best Emergency Light Sources in a Power Outage
While flashlights are great to have in a bind, there are other options that might be more suitable for your situation.