Famous Lotus Painter: Divine Performing Arts Presents the Essence of Chinese Culture

“It encompasses not only the essence of Chinese culture, but also the essence of oriental music.”
Famous Lotus Painter: Divine Performing Arts Presents the Essence of Chinese Culture
Famous Painter Xu Zhongjing. Tang Bin/The Epoch Times
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/painteroflotus.jpg" alt="Famous Painter Xu Zhongjing. (Tang Bin/The Epoch Times)" title="Famous Painter Xu Zhongjing. (Tang Bin/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1830045"/></a>
Famous Painter Xu Zhongjing. (Tang Bin/The Epoch Times)

TAIPEI, Taiwan—The Divine Performing Arts’ (DPA) premiere in Taipei on Feb. 25 not only attracted many celebrities from political and business circles, but also many famous figures from the arts made it to the show.

An audience member who stood out in the venue was a gentleman with a white beard, wearing a white hat and white robe with the painting of lotus flowers. He was none other than the well-known Taiwanese lotus-painting artist Xu Zhongjing, who is also the president of Xiaoyao Artistic Association.

“The DPA not only presented the characteristics of Chinese culture in various places, but it also demonstrated the essence of Chinese culture in a broad sense,” said Mr. Xu. He also praised the implications of the show highly, and emphasized that the dance, costumes, color, and choreography were well-designed, wonderful, and pleasing to the eye.

In terms of the music, he said, “It encompasses not only the essence of Chinese culture, but also the essence of oriental music.”

Inspired by the performance, Mr. Xu said that though he is quite famous in Taiwan’s art circles, after seeing the DPA show, he still had ample room to explore and said, “I think everyone should be humble and open-minded, like the sea that can contain the water from all rivers. This is the spirit for artists.”

Mr. Xu, who is 58 years old, won an outstanding teacher award in Taiwan and has been invited to be a judge for many artistic painting competitions. He specializes in painting lotus flowers and has held more than 30 painting exhibits at home and abroad. The lotus flower on his clothing was actually one of his designs.

For more information please visit DivinePerformingArts.org