Former Legislator: Presentation of the Essence of 5,000-year Chinese Culture

Mr. Chiu Chuei-chen watched the Shen Yun show premiere in Hsinchu with his wife, Ms. Zhuang Xiumei, on the evening of March 19.
Former Legislator: Presentation of the Essence of 5,000-year Chinese Culture
Mr. Chiu Chuei-chen, former legislator who is currently a senior advisor of Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan Li Yuan/The Epoch Times
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Mr. Chiu Chuei-chen, former legislator who is currently a senior advisor of Taiwan's Legislative Yuan  (Li Yuan/The Epoch Times)" title="Mr. Chiu Chuei-chen, former legislator who is currently a senior advisor of Taiwan's Legislative Yuan  (Li Yuan/The Epoch Times)" width="300" class="size-medium wp-image-64786"/></a>
Mr. Chiu Chuei-chen, former legislator who is currently a senior advisor of Taiwan's Legislative Yuan  (Li Yuan/The Epoch Times)

HSINCHU, Taiwan—Mr. Chiu Chuei-chen, former legislator who currently serves as senior advisor of Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan, watched the New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company’s premiere in Hsinchu with his wife, Ms. Zhuang Xiumei, on the evening of March 19.

After seeing the show, Mr. Chiu said, “Shen Yun has presented the essence of the 5,000-year Chinese culture. The dance was very elegant and graceful, with a very peaceful atmosphere. The show was the combination of strength and beauty.

“The beauty of Chinese culture was fully demonstrated in the show. The backdrops, costumes, and dance movements were very professional and touching,” he continued.

As the chairman of Taoyuan County Enterprise Development Association and the president of the Taoyuan Gengxin Cultural Association, Mr. Chiu exclaimed in admiration, “Shen Yun has perfectly interpreted the characteristics and the authentic beauty of Chinese culture in the show. Every piece of the program was well-designed. As the essence of Chinese culture was included in the performance, it could make us feel the profundity and the authentic beauty of Chinese culture ... [and] ... the principle of tolerance.”
Mr. Chiu was especially moved by the piece Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution, since he has been involved in human rights movements for 30 years. He said, “If the Chinese communist regime continues to persecute Falun Gong, then, in fact, it is persecuting Chinese culture. That being the case, the entire world will not tolerate it, and the regime will be despised. Tonight, I deeply felt the spirit of ’truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.' It is really very touching.”

The dance Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution depicted a story about a family persecuted by the Chinese regime due to their belief in the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. Though being persecuted, they were still steadfast in their belief in the Buddha Law. As an old saying puts it, “Good begets good, and evil leads to evil,” and the soul of the practitioner who was persecuted to death was eventually saved by gods and ascended to heaven for eternal peace.

Finally, Mr. Chiu hoped that more people would be able to contribute their efforts in preserving Chinese culture and upholding the spirit of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance, so that the world can be a better place and become more peaceful.

Read the article in Chinese

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