VIDEO: ‘Unique’ Cat Has Gone Viral for Her Funny and Cute Obsession With Taking Showers

VIDEO: ‘Unique’ Cat Has Gone Viral for Her Funny and Cute Obsession With Taking Showers
Courtesy of Pym the Shower Cat
Anna Mason

An aversion to water is a commonly known trait of most household cats. However, a cat from upstate New York has been breaking the stereotype with her obsession with taking showers.

Meet Pym, a 7 1/2-year-old domestic shorthair cat who lives with her owner, Katie Behr, a nurse practitioner who hails from a small town between Syracuse and Binghamton.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Pym the Shower Cat</a>)
Courtesy of Pym the Shower Cat

Behr, 31, welcomed Pym—who has gone massively viral for her shower routine—when she was only a 6- or 8-weeks-old kitten. The cat has since lived with her.

Recalling how Pym’s obsession with taking a shower began, Behr said: “I believe she was about 10 weeks old ... I really didn’t do anything to make her want to do that.”

Pym just happened to hop into the shower, making Behr laugh as she thought to herself her cat was just being goofy. Confused about what was really happening but also wanting to capture the moment, Behr grabbed her phone and began recording.

“Obviously, I thought it was weird,“ she said. ”I know that cats don’t like water. I know that’s not a typical thing. So, I knew I had somebody unique on my hands.”

(Courtesy of <a href="">Pym the Shower Cat</a>)
Courtesy of Pym the Shower Cat
(Courtesy of <a href="">Pym the Shower Cat</a>)
Courtesy of Pym the Shower Cat

It seems that Pym’s unusual behavior was here to stay. Since then, she has been taking a shower with Behr almost every single day.

Behr, who also owns another cat and a Siberian husky, describes Pym as a “ridiculously social cat.”

“There’s a lot of stereotypes about cats: that they hate water, and a lot of people say that they’re mean, and they’re skittish,” Behr said. “But none of these things apply to her. She’s very, very friendly and loving.”

Pym also shares an incredible bond with Behr and wants to be around her most of the time.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Pym the Shower Cat</a>)
Courtesy of Pym the Shower Cat

Sharing more about the cat’s famous shower routine, Behr said that before she herself is even ready to take a shower, Pym is already waiting for her there in the bathroom.

“She knows my routine at this point; I shower at the same time every day,” Behr said. “She’ll just be in there waiting so patiently.” After Behr opens the curtain, Pym meows at her, indicating that it’s time to get in.

After the shower, Pym usually scampers off, leaving a huge trail and a mess.

The reason Behr allows Pym to drip dry is that she’s tried to dry her with the blow dryer or a towel but Pym seems to hate it.

“If she hates the towel that much, I guess having a wet floor is a small price to pay for her happiness,” Behr said.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Pym the Shower Cat</a>)
Courtesy of Pym the Shower Cat

Behr first filmed Pym taking a shower because she thought it was weird and unusual, but she soon saw that her cat had gotten into a pattern. She then purposely had her phone ready every time so that if Pym did something new and funny, she wouldn’t miss capturing it.

Knowing that cats are notorious for hating water, Behr decided to share Pym’s uncommon obsession with the world. Soon, her videos went viral, with some of them even racking up to a million views.

“People definitely think it’s funny and cute,” Behr said. “A lot of people follow us now and say that they look forward to her kind of daily shower routine because I try to post it pretty much every day at this point.”

(Courtesy of <a href="">Pym the Shower Cat</a>)
Courtesy of Pym the Shower Cat

Behr has also been a recipient of immense love for posting videos of Pym, something she said she never expected.

“I don’t really know how I got so lucky,” she said.

Watch the video:

(Courtesy of Pym the Shower Cat)
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Anna Mason
Anna Mason
Anna Mason is a writer based in England. She majored in literature and specializes in human interest, travel, lifestyle and content marketing. Anna enjoys storytelling, adventures, the Balearic sunshine and the Yorkshire rain.
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