There’s only ever been one potential husband for Kira Nixon, 36. In fact, a video of her at just 4 years old captured the moment she confidently declared who her future husband would be.
The mom-of-two from Ontario, Canada, was blown away by the footage, which she rediscovered as a young adult. In it, when asked by her father, “Who’s going to be the boy you’re marrying?” her sweet younger self doesn’t hesitate:
“I don’t have any! Only Timmy! Timmy Nixon! Yah!”

Kira had started dating Timmy, who is one year older, and was hanging out with him at her parents’ house when her mom pulled out some old home videos.
“We were watching them,” Kira told The Epoch Times, “and that one popped up. We couldn’t believe it. My dad didn’t remember taking it; my mom didn’t remember it. It was just in our family archives.
“We laughed so hard, and we were like, ‘Oh my goodness! Well, now we have to get married.’”
The couple tied the knot in 2014 and have two beautiful children. They are living out their dreams on a 10-acre homestead where they keep a pony, chickens, and bees. Kira homeschools the children, and the family places God first in their lives.
Watch the video:
Childhood Sweethearts
Kira says their journey to get here wasn’t always smooth.The two first met in Sunday school, and Kira thought her new friend was “so cute and so funny.” When she invited Timmy to her sixth birthday party, things didn’t exactly go as planned.
“He wasn’t interested in me. I kissed him on the back of his head, and he got really mad and told his mom to bring him home,” she said, laughing.

Then, when she was 10, Kira’s family moved away. Since they were only a couple of hours’ drive away, she was still able to visit her friends, but when high school began, things changed.
“We kind of lost contact,“ she said. ”I had a boyfriend; he had a girlfriend. Then when I was 18, my family moved back to our hometown.”
A gifted singer, Kira had just embarked on a career as a performer and was moving a lot between cities, appearing in shows. But she would still make trips back to see her family, and fortunately, on one of these visits, she reconnected with Timmy again at church.
“He likes to say I had a silver sparkly dress on,” she said. “And he said, ‘Oh, my goodness! I’d like to take her on a date.’”
On their very first night out, the two stayed up until the early hours of the morning, sitting by the river talking and watching the boats go by.
“We just talked and talked and talked,” Kira said, “and he went home and told his parents, ‘I think Kira and I are going to get married.’”
Then 19 and 20, the pair dated for some time before the ambitious young singer decided to accept a performing contract in Japan. While Timmy had started his engineering job and was content settling into life in their small town, Kira was set on traveling the world.
The couple broke up, but after some time living and working in Japan, Kira began to feel something was missing in her life.
“I just realized none of it was worth it without Tim,” she said, “so I called him up on Skype one day, and I said, ‘Do you want to be my boyfriend again?’ And he said, ‘Yes.’”
Soon, Timmy got on a plane and went to see her, and for a time the couple lived in Japan. Finally, after two years of dating, Timmy, who by this stage owned his own wakeboard business, called Kira from a big wakeboard show in Toronto and asked her to marry him.
“The proposal was really special,“ she said. ”Thousands of people come [to that show], and it’s usually aired on television; there was a TV crew there. I had no idea, but he called me up and asked me in front of all these people. ... And I said ‘Yes!’”

The Predestination
Kira says that her mom always felt in her heart that the pair were destined to be together.“She said to me, ‘God has always told me that someday you’re going to marry Tim. I’ve always had this sense—even when you were a little girl, 2 or 3 years old at church—that this is going to be the boy for you,” Kira said.
Now very happily married and immersed in homestead life, living sustainably and in tune with nature, the couple feels enormously blessed.
“I just felt a real call in my heart to slow down and to be home with my children and be the one that’s influencing their lives the most. My husband and I both felt like that was the best thing, and it’s been amazing,” Kira said, of their decision to homeschool.
“God is the most important thing in our lives. We truly believe that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. That’s the most important thing we teach our children, and everything just kind of flows from there.”
If she could go back and say something to the little girl in the video, what would she say?
“I would tell her all the things you dreamed of, it’s all going to happen. Don’t be discouraged; continue to put God first, and He’ll direct all of your paths. Everything’s going to be great,” Kira said.