The only good thing that can be said about 2018’s “The Predator” is that it finally explains what the heck Predators are really up to.
The first film (1987), starring Arnold at the height of his pioneering, charismatic movie-bodybuilding-ness, had a completely stupid premise. It didn’t matter, though.
It’s very dated now (that ‘80s music!), but at the time, the whole movie was cutting-edge innovative, visually stunning, and grabbed you by the neck and didn’t let go. It had pre-gubernatorial Jesse Ventura carrying a giant Gatling gun and drawling lines like: I’m a sexual Tyrannosaurus. That was some excellent, young-man nonsense.
But the ‘Predator’ Premise!
The original premise went like this: Outer-space aliens are here, hiding in jungle trees, because they hunt humans for sport. At some point it dawned on everyone that, well, they’re not terribly sporting, are they?Because the deck is seriously stacked in their favor. First off, they’re 7-foot-tall, ugly, bipedal, amphibious-reptilian thingamabobs. Then, they’ve got body armor. Then, they’ve got a pop-up shield that renders them invisible. What human can compete with that? The answer was Arnold and his muscles. It was the perfect Arnold vehicle.

Predators: Oversized Alien Losers
Like those inane big-game hunters who show up on Facebook and incur the wrath of millions by posting photos of themselves posing beside various magnificent, slaughtered animals, as though they did an adventurous, risky thing. Not a fair fight. Losers. Predators are losers too. And dumb.Because even with that massive advantage, they couldn’t take out Arnold, who beat them at their game by smearing jungle mud on himself and using primitive skills to make a wooden bow and arrow, trumping hi-tech with low-tech.
But the new premise finally makes sense. It just took 30 years. You know how everyone kind of believes in karma nowadays? Because millennials have heard the term since they were born, and Boomers and Gen Xers have been reading Eastern philosophy ever since “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” and “The Dharma Bums” came out?
Well, the same thing goes for belief in aliens. Most people nowadays believe in aliens and believe the one Will Smith beat up in “Independence Day” is one of the many variations on the alien look.
This New ‘Predator’
It starts off with egregiously bad CGI: A plastic-toy-looking spaceship rends a fake-looking hole in the space-time continuum. The Predators have arrived. The music score is egregious. The acting is egregious. The egregious storyline is egregiously hard to explain.In a nutshell: Predators crash-land and get knocked unconscious. A secret U.S. government agency is probing a Predator on a lab table. Then it wakes up and Hulk-smashes everything.

Then, an army sniper (Boyd Holbrook) accidentally gets roped into the proceedings, plus a very pretty biologist (Olivia Munn).

The agency tests the sniper in a psych lab, decides he’s got a screw loose, and puts him on a special bus full of former military personnel, in various states of PTSD. This is where the bulk of the bad acting takes place. Example: the normally stoic Thomas Jane as a tic-ridden Tourette’s syndrome-suffering goofball. All played for laughs.