

Stephen Hawking Teams Up With Russian Billionaire in $100 Million Project to Find Aliens

Stephen Hawking Teams Up With Russian Billionaire in $100 Million Project to Find Aliens

Film Review: Steve’s Job Obliterated His iFriends and iFamily

Film Review: Steve’s Job Obliterated His iFriends and iFamily

Leading Scientist Says NASA Close to Knowing Whether Alien Life Exists (Video)

Leading Scientist Says NASA Close to Knowing Whether Alien Life Exists (Video)

NASA’s Claim We'll Find Alien Life Isn’t Out of This World (Video)

NASA’s Claim We'll Find Alien Life Isn’t Out of This World (Video)

Alien Life Increasingly Probable

Alien Life Increasingly Probable

Cigar-Shaped Object Over Schwerin, Germany (Video)

Cigar-Shaped Object Over Schwerin, Germany (Video)