Get Fit, Stay Fit: Whole-Body Home Workout Gear

Get Fit, Stay Fit: Whole-Body Home Workout Gear
(Courtesy of Hydrow, AssaultFitness, NordicTrack, GorillaBow, FightCamp)

Physical fitness has many benefits, from increasing endurance and strength to lowering blood pressure and weight. The following systems all work multiple parts of the body at once to get the most out of every workout. Sized to fit in a living room or bedroom, they also save the time needed to drive to the gym.

Hydrow Hydrow Rower. (Hydrow)

Row Yourself Fit

Hydrow Rower

An exercise that lets you sit while watching a video for 20 minutes sounds fun, but this is anything but easy. The sleek Hydrow is an indoor rower with no need for a boat or a river. Fitness experts provide guided workouts via the 22-inch monitor, as users work 86 percent of the body’s muscle groups. When not in use, the Hydrow can be tilted up against a wall to free up floor space.

Assault Air Bike AssaultBike Air Bike Classic. (AssaultFitness)

Ride Away From Fat

AssaultBike Air Bike Classic

This exercise bike eliminates “can’t ride today” excuses such as flat tires or inclement weather and is most definitely not Grandma’s exer-bike. The AssaultBike works arms as well as legs, automatically increasing resistance the harder the rider pedals and pushes. The onboard console allows for customized workouts for all levels of riders while providing feedback in terms of time and distance ridden and the number of calories burned in the process.

NordicTrack EXP 10i Treadmill. (NordicTrack)

Run While Staying Put

NordicTrack EXP 10i Treadmill

Walking and running are great ways to get fit and stay fit, and this system makes it easy to do so 24/7, regardless of the weather. The EXP 10i can be adjusted for walking or running speeds up to 12 miles per hour and 12-degree inclines. In addition to solo use, users have the option of participating in iFit workouts guided by top athletes on the 10-inch touchscreen with integral speakers.

Gorilla Bow 1 Gorilla Bow. (GorillaBow)

1 System Does It All

Gorilla Bow

Those seeking a simple yet effective way to get an all-body workout might be interested in this system using a bar and various resistance bands to work all areas of the body—arms, chest, legs, shoulders, back, and core. Weighing just six pounds, and requiring no electricity or assembly, it can be used anytime, anywhere. The bands provide up to 300 pounds of tension, ensuring a thorough workout for users at all levels.

Fight Camp FightCamp Tracers + Bag. (FightCamp)

Be Like Rocky

FightCamp Trackers and Bag

Boxing is a very efficient fitness regime that burns calories while increasing endurance and toning bodies from arms to legs and core. Online guided instruction allows even beginners to use the system. As an exercise, boxing isn’t about fighting, but for those who are competitive, FightCamp provides an interactive experience in which users can participate in a virtual bout, with input from the interactive bag and gloves determining the winner.

Bill Lindsey is an award-winning writer based in South Florida. He covers real estate, automobiles, timepieces, boats, and travel topics.