Physician: ‘Their smiles came from the heart’

“I must say I have never seen any performance like this before,” said Dr. Chen.
Physician: ‘Their smiles came from the heart’
Dr. Chen Jianming, a board member of Rotary International Taiwan The Epoch Times
<a><img src="" alt="Dr. Chen Jianming, a board member of Rotary International Taiwan (The Epoch Times)" title="Dr. Chen Jianming, a board member of Rotary International Taiwan (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1829415"/></a>
Dr. Chen Jianming, a board member of Rotary International Taiwan (The Epoch Times)

HSINCHU, Taiwan—Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 World Tour presentation profoundly impacted a Rotary International Taiwan board member and physician, Dr. Chen Jianming.

Presented on the evening of March 21 at Hsinchu Arts Hall, Dr. Chen said at intermission; “The show was awesome! Those dancers were extraordinarily brilliant.”

The New York-based company has at its foundation China’s divinely-inspired millennia old cultural heritage, portrayed in classical Chinese dance and music.

Dr. Chen specializes in obstetrics and gyneecology, and was “shocked” momentarily by the compassionate expressions he saw on the faces of the artists in the vignette, Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution, a depiction of the persecution of Falun Gong in China today.

In the scene, a father is persecuted to death and escorted to heaven by several divine beings and celestial maidens.

“You could see those celestial maidens were not simply smiling when descending to earth. By paying attention, you could tell by their faces that their smiles were full of mercy.”

Mr. Chen urged his daughter to closely watch the performer’s facial expressions during the second half of the show.
“Only through professional training could an audience be moved by a dancer’s smile. It’s not easy, because the smile has to come from the heart.

“Therefore, if I can also let my patients feel my mercy while treating an illness, I am sure there will be a huge improvement in my patients’ conditions.”

Dr. Chen often leaves for work at 5 a.m. returning home at 6 p.m. So, he was not that interested in seeing the Shen Yun show, but simply honoring a promise made to his wife and daughter.

“I was actually very tired. I thought maybe I would come here, and since it is a music concert, I would take a nap in dark,” he said chuckling.

But, did he close his eyes?

“No! That’s why I think the show is very special. Technically speaking, I should be exhausted. But I feel alive after watching the show,” he said, eyes shining brightly.

Having seen many art performances in the past, he was taken by Shen Yun’s masterful choreography.

“Different backdrops matched the dancers who melted into the scene. Those wonderful scenes were brought onto the stage for the audience to discover the harmony and sense the creativity of the choreographer.

“I must say: I have never seen any performance like this before,” said Dr. Chen feeling “very delighted,” “superb,” and satisfied. “It was worth the trip. It’s so worthwhile coming,” he said.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 World Tour. For more information please visit