In the dead of night, rescue dog King busted out of his kennel before trying to get his buddies out and having a party.
When that failed, the canine mastermind set about searching for food and drink, making a huge mess, and enjoying his taste of freedom. It was a little after midnight when the breakout took place and the alarm instantly went off, alerting rescue founder Jodi Polanski.

“He was brought in from the Tempe Police Department as a stray,” Ms. Polanski told The Epoch Times, “and he was only in the shelter for a couple of hours when he did his big escape.
“So, it was not very long before he started his antics like, ‘I’m out of here.’ First, he got out of his kennel, and then he was in the room where all the kennels are. He tried to get his friends out then he gave up and got himself out into the main room.
“He decided to get some food and get some water and knock some things over and have a party and go back in trying to get his friends out again, just sort of walking around having fun and running the place. So that’s what he was doing; just hanging out, drinking, eating, trying to get some friends to join him.”

Ms. Polanski knew someone from the police department would already be on the way, but she called the non-emergency line to make sure the officer knew a big dog was on the other side of the door. The officer arrived on the scene within minutes, and from the moment he arrived, he was as cool as a cucumber.
“He got in the door, got it shut without King getting out, and was just a pro,” Ms. Polanski said.
King, for his part, was overjoyed to have company, jumping up and wagging his tail excitedly. After calmly leading the excited escape artist back to his bed, the officer got to work cleaning up.
“That was the part I found out about the next morning when I saw some video footage of how clean it was,” Ms. Polanski said.

After local media reported the story and Lost Our Home Pet Rescue posted it to social media, a lot of people commented on how good and thorough the officer’s cleaning skills were.
“Oh, everybody’s really enjoying it,” Ms. Polanski said. “Lots of laughs, lots of really great comments. One of the comments I loved was where somebody said that ’the cop busted the party but then cleaned up all the evidence.' They’re just funny.”
Even better, working with one of the organization’s program partners, King was adopted by a new, caring owner within the week.
“I was trying to find the owner—there’s a whole process involved in trying to locate the original owner. If the owner doesn’t show up, though, they aren’t kept there forever waiting,” she said.
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The organization, founded in 2008, started as a grassroots rescue and has continued to grow. Its most well-known activity is a temporary care program, whereby Lost Our Home takes care of people’s pets for up to four months while they’re in a crisis situation.