Piglet is deaf and blind, but he’s the feistiest, most determined little dog you’ll ever meet.
After being rescued in 2017, he was adopted by a loving family and is now inspiring people all over the world with his own classroom-support materials, and his next children’s picture book is in the pipeline.

Melissa Shapiro, a vet who agreed to foster Piglet with her family until the rescue group could find him a forever home, told The Epoch Times that Piglet is a dachshund-Chihuahua mix and was found living in a hoarding situation in Georgia along with his mother and three littermates.
“Both of his parents were dapple colored which is how he ended up being a double dapple (two dapple genes), which causes a white hair coat and congenital ear and eye defects,” Shapiro said.
Shapiro brought Piglet to her home in Connecticut in March 2017; he weighed just 1 1/2 pounds and screamed constantly from anxiety. It took months for him to calm down, with Melissa using tap signals to communicate.
“Piglet eventually settled into a comfortable, predictable daily routine of eating three full meals, snuggling in his favorite dad’s arms, playing with his dog pack siblings, taking walks, traveling to house calls with his veterinarian mom, and visiting the vet hospital to see his BFFs”, Shapiro said.
Melissa, who fostered several other dogs, could not face parting with Piglet. The family decided to adopt him in May 2017, and now he’s a beloved part of their clan.

Wherever Piglet went, people would find themselves smiling after meeting the resilient, adorable pink puppy.
“In the fall of 2017, a third-grade teacher in Massachusetts recognized Piglet’s potential as a growth mindset teaching model,” said Shapiro. “She coined the phrase Piglet Mindset.”

Shapiro says that one teacher who introduced Piglet Mindset to her second graders reported how she saw a “dramatic change in their attitude” while working with their classmates.
“Instead of complaining about their assigned math and reading partners, they happily embraced working with new friends that they ordinarily wouldn’t have chosen,” she added.
When online appearances take place, Melissa says Piglet knows what’s happening “even though he can’t see or hear any of this.” She says her smart pup understands that they are “doing something special.” "He gears up to do his Piglet Show, and he relaxes before and after,” she says.
As well as appearing virtually, Piglet has made many real-life visits to children, including those with special needs.
“The children are very excited and interested to meet Piglet and his sisters,“ she said. ”They have learned through their Piglet Mindset lessons that they need to be respectful and understanding of Piglet’s preferences and limitations.
“We get lots of cards and letters from students after they’ve met Piglet. Their parents write comments on our social media posts telling us how much their kids loved meeting Piglet, and how inspiring he is to them as they face their own challenges, big and small.”

“We use the example set by our very sweet, inclusive group of rescued dogs, to illustrate and teach acceptance, inclusion, empathy, and kindness to children (and adults),” added Shapiro.
“Piglet is well aware of his surroundings, and who he is surrounded by. He identifies who he’s with, whether it’s another dog or a person, by the smell of their breath. It’s almost like he has a filing system in his brain because he remembers people, pets, and places he’s been.”
Shapiro has published one book, “PIGLET, The Unexpected Story of a Deaf Blind Pink Puppy and His Family,” and has another children’s picture book, “Piglet Comes Home,” to be published on June 7.

Describing him as a “confident, smart, happy little dog with a hilarious sense of humor,” Shapiro says the family constantly gives Piglet new challenges and tricks to learn. Since they took him in five years ago, he’s transformed.
“Initially, he was frustrated, anxious, and upset as he must have felt alone and isolated, not knowing what to expect,” she said.
“Now he is affectionate, devoted to his people and his dog siblings, and he lives every moment with full attention and energy. He is resilient and resourceful and he uses his intelligence and humor throughout the day. This is why he is such an inspiration to others.”
The program is free to download from pigletmindset.org.