No-Gym Workouts

Get fit without weights or exercise equipment.
No-Gym Workouts
Walking is the most attainable form of exercise, and has many benefits. (Arek Adeoye/Unsplash)
Bill Lindsey
Getting fit and staying that way has many benefits, from improved overall health to better self-image and confidence. Improved endurance and clothes that fit better are other possible benefits of starting and sticking with a health improvement routine.

Workout Basics

However, the first step is not to put on sweatpants but to contact a physician. Any form of exercise, no matter how moderate, takes a toll, so it is imperative to discuss any new exercise plan with a physician to get their advice and approval. The goal of exercise is to get fit, not inadvertently discover any previously unknown health issues. With the doc’s ok in place, the next step is to set goals. This makes it easier to choose which areas of the body to target and to develop appropriate exercise techniques.
There are no wrong reasons to get fit, but a reasonable timeframe may be required, subject to current fitness levels. That just means to be realistic if the goal is massive weight loss; Rome wasn’t built in a day, and optimal fitness likewise requires a lot of time, effort, and self-discipline to stick with it, which is often the largest obstacle to overcome. In order to see results and keep them coming, it is suggested that individuals exercise at least three times per week. The only way to stay fit is to stay active; any significant breaks in this schedule can result in backsliding.

Walking for Fitness

The most attainable form of exercise is walking; according to the Mayo Clinic, it is possible to achieve healthy benefits that include stronger bones, improved cardiovascular function, improved energy level, better sleep, weight maintenance or reduction, a stronger immune system, reduced stress or tension, as well as better balance and coordination, simply by walking. Reaping the full benefits of walking does, of course, require more than a casual stroll around the house. To walk to good health, the Mayo Clinic suggests a daily brisk walk. The distance and pace will vary for each individual according to their current levels of fitness, with the goal of extending the distance and increasing the pace over time.
There are some health experts that suggest walking can lead to “getting shredded,” which is to say developing a very fit and toned body. Whether that is truly realistic is a good question, making the decision to incorporate walking as just one component of an exercise program a worthwhile consideration.
Properly-fitting, very supportive walking shoes are a must; some people add aftermarket insoles for additional arch support or shock absorption. Choose a route based on convenience and safety, such as a nearby park free of vehicle traffic; some walkers prefer to get their daily exercise in the air-conditioned environment of a shopping mall, which adds window shopping to the stroll. For those who seek a multi-faceted workout, walking is an ideal way to get warmed up. Walking the neighborhood with a dog is good way to get fresh air, exercise, and meet the neighbors; if the dog is chubby, go on longer walks.

Great Home Workouts

Another form of no-gear workout that can deliver impressive results are planks, which require the person to support themselves from their toes and forearms, like a resting push-up. While planks may look easy, it can be a struggle to maintain the pose for one minute or longer; beginners should aim for 15 seconds, working up to 30 seconds, and then one minute or longer over time. This exercise is a very effective way to build and then maintain a healthy core. The core is made up of a group of muscles that include the abdominals and muscles in the buttocks, back, pelvis, and hips.

Burpees are an exercise for those who are limber and in good shape; because they require a lot of exertion, they are not a good choice for beginners, those who may be a bit overweight, or anyone who is otherwise in less-than-optimal shape. They combine a plank, jump, and squat to burn calories and build endurance. A good way to work up to burpees is by doing squat pulses in which the hands are clasped in front while in a squat position, then rising up, pushing “through the heels,” before lowering to the start point, and repeating for 30 seconds. This exercise is good for reducing belly fat.

Next, try side hops, which are exactly as they sound—a side-to-side lateral move in which one jumps right and then left. This exercise improves endurance while improving hip and ankle mobility. Add pushups, starting with a goal of five and working up as endurance builds; pushups can also be modified for more effort and better results by pushing up from a chair. Then try flutter kicks, in which the person lies on their back, raising each leg separately to a 90-degree angle before lowering it slowly and then raising the other leg.

A gym? Who needs it? Now go get fit.


No Gym? No Problem

Easy, effective home exercises.

Step Up

Good shoes are a must for walking and for pretty much all other exercises. Blisters or sore feet can sabotage a walking routine, and a slip or fall while exercising can lead to injuries.

Take It Easy

Start off slow, adding repetitions as endurance improves. Exercising too hard can be dangerous, so listen to cues from your body that it needs a rest.

Be Dedicated

It’s common to see results fairly early in an exercise routine, but don’t slow down. Stick to a routine of exercising at least three times per week to get fit and stay that way.
Bill Lindsey is an award-winning writer based in South Florida. He covers real estate, automobiles, timepieces, boats, and travel topics.
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