Neglected, Sick Pony Surviving on Moldy Hay in Snowy Barren Field Gets Rescued, Owners Sentenced

Neglected, Sick Pony Surviving on Moldy Hay in Snowy Barren Field Gets Rescued, Owners Sentenced
(Courtesy of RSPCA)
Anna Mason

An underweight, disease-ridden pony saved from a barren field months ago is making a “good recovery,” according to rescuers.

Pluto the piebald cob was found alone and neglected in a bare, snow-covered field in County Durham, UK, by animal charity workers in January this year.

“The pony had pungent, moldy hay to eat and a bucket of water which had frozen in the icy conditions,” the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) said in a press release.

Pluto the pony before being rescued. (Courtesy of <a href="">RSPCA</a>)
Pluto the pony before being rescued. (Courtesy of RSPCA)
(Courtesy of <a href="">RSPCA</a>)
(Courtesy of RSPCA)

Concerned for his welfare, RSPCA inspector Lucy Green and an officer from equine charity World Horse Welfare had conducted a visit to check on Pluto, accompanied by a vet. The pony was quickly discovered to be in a terrible condition, with overgrown hooves and a host of other issues.

“On examination, Pluto had a body condition score of 1.5/5 meaning he was underweight with bony prominences throughout the neck, back, and hips due to little fat cover,” the vet said in her evidence, according to the press release.

“The coat was very thick; lice were present and there was some rain scald on the pony’s back.”

(Courtesy of <a href="">RSPCA</a>)
(Courtesy of RSPCA)

During the Oct. 11 magistrates hearing attended by Pluto’s original owners, Andrew Allen, 46, and Siobhan Barker, 25, the court heard how Ms. Barker arrived at the scene and “started shouting obscenities.” Mr. Allen appeared shortly afterwards, and both refused to let the officers and vet into the field to examine the pony further.

Mr. Allen then “chased the pony around the field to prevent him from being caught,” but the police were called and Pluto was eventually loaded into a horse box and taken into care.

The defendants were both prosecuted under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and banned from keeping animals for five years.

Pluto after being rescued. (Courtesy of <a href="">RSPCA</a>)
Pluto after being rescued. (Courtesy of RSPCA)

Photos released by the RSPCA animal center show the stark contrast between the state of the malnourished, neglected pony when he was first brought in and his appearance months later.

In the Oct. 19 statement, the RSPCA said that Pluto’s blood tests revealed he had “anaemia, chronic inflammation, low protein, muscle disease, redworm, and tapeworm.”

“Horses are herd animals and being kept in isolation can have a negative psychological impact, therefore this pony was likely suffering from being kept alone,” the vet said in the press release.

(Courtesy of <a href="">RSPCA</a>)
(Courtesy of RSPCA)

Speaking after the sentencing hearing, animal welfare inspector Ms. Green said: “Pluto’s most basic needs were not being met and he was in a very poor state of neglect. He’s got a lovely temperament and has integrated well with other ponies in our care - the staff at the animal center adore him.”

Thanks to the work of the RSPCA and World Horse Welfare, a brighter future awaits Pluto. In time, a suitable home will be found for him, along with other horses to keep him company.

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Anna Mason is a writer based in England. She majored in literature and specializes in human interest, travel, lifestyle and content marketing. Anna enjoys storytelling, adventures, the Balearic sunshine and the Yorkshire rain.
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