Director Hausmann-Stokes’s message is simple: Make America great again by walking a mile in our veterans’ shoes and adding them to your daily gratitude list.
The film reminds us that America always intended to be a country where people could agree to disagree, extend each other an olive branch, and find peace.
The always-amusing Chris Pratt and the hugely charismatic Millie Bobby Brown play characters who adventure with cute 1950s-style robots. It’s great escapism.
Director Carson Lund presents the ‘eephus’ metaphor—yearning for a fast life while living a slow one, which passes by before we know it—as a hittable pitch.
With its suits, eyewear, and interior design giving off a 1960s retro vibe, Soderbergh has crafted an exceptionally taut-yet-funny, stylish spook thriller.
The highly engrossing ‘Last Breath’ features the cool-headed, ‘right stuff’ of Navy pilots and any crew of men who nonchalantly do dangerous jobs for a living.