Dog Alone in The Mountains Leads Truck Driver To Fallen, Injured Owner

Dog Alone in The Mountains Leads Truck Driver To Fallen, Injured Owner
(Left) Tow truck driver Marty Hall Jr (Centre) finds a lone dog with a leash (Right) that leads him to his injured owner, Paul. (Facebook | Martin Hall Jr)

A drive through the mountains of Mariposa County in California turned adventurous for tow truck driver Marty Hall Jr. when he stumbled upon a lone dog with a leash but with no owner in sight.

Thinking that the dog was lost, Hall, of Oakhurst, California, stopped his truck on the dirt road to see what was the matter. He had no idea, though, that an emergency situation was about to unfold.

The dog looked exhausted but wouldn’t come when Hall offered him food or water, sitting in one place, in the middle of the road. When Hall approached the dog, he would run away. It was strange that the dog had a retractable leash, as though out for a walk, but no owner.

“I tried to get it in the truck and I thought the next best thing was to make a video of it,” Hall told KMPH. He planned to upload the video of the lost dog on social media.

“I’m gonna go ahead and leave this water for him,” said Hall while video-recording. “Hopefully he'll drink it when I go.”

Just then, he heard a faint sound in the distance. He turned off the engine of his truck and listened more carefully—it was a man calling out for help.

“Hello, you all right?” Hall replied, walking in the direction where the sound was coming from. The dog followed.

Then Hall spotted him. It was an elderly man—the dog’s owner apparently—who had fallen down and injured himself on an embankment. It turned out that he had gone for an early, 5 a.m. walk with his dogs when it happened, though it was nearly noon by the time Hall found him. He'd been lying there for hours, while his dog had refused to leave his side and had sat near the road, waiting for someone to stop and help, presumably.

But there was a second dog, too, nearby the man, that growled when Hall tried to approach him. Hall was unable to get close enough to help the man up.

The man, whose name was Paul, told Hall that he lived just about a mile away, and asked Hall to get his wife for help. Hall left and, an hour later, returned with Paul’s wife. Then he decided to call an ambulance. Paul had broken his hip.

When a firetruck and ambulance arrived, Hall let the experts take over.

After the ordeal, Hall was quick to brush aside any praise, telling Fox News, “I wouldn’t necessarily call it saving him.” Then he jokingly added, “I told my wife that maybe I ruined his survival story.”

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