Hunt On for Woman Filmed Stubbing Out a Cigarette on a Pup’s Eye and Breaking Its Limbs

Hunt On for Woman Filmed Stubbing Out a Cigarette on a Pup’s Eye and Breaking Its Limbs
Illustration - Shutterstock


In one of the most gruesome animal cruelty cases, a ruthless woman is caught on film burning a poor black-and-white puppy’s eye with a cigarette. The horrific act prompted the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Singapore to launch a hunt for the woman.

The scenes in the horrifying video, circulated through WhatsApp’s group chats in Malaysia, Singapore, and possibly some other nearby countries, are enough to break anyone’s hearts.

In the video, the tiny puppy apparently tries to cry out after being bound with tape around its mouth. An Asian woman is seen holding a lit cigarette using one hand as she grasps the puppy by the neck firmly with the other.

Callously, the woman burns the puppy’s eye several times with the lit cigarette. She also stubs out the cigarette on the defenseless dog’s eye, and in another moment, she breaks the puppy’s limbs, snapping its paws.

Unable to bark, the helpless young animal could do nothing to stop this torturous act.

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) in Singapore was alerted to the video in August. To bring the woman to justice, the animal welfare organization took to Facebook to hunt her down.

“A video has been circulating on WhatsApp, featuring a woman (in screenshot) horrifically abusing a puppy by burning its eyes and breaking its limbs while its mouth is tied shut,” SPCA Singapore wrote.

“There are indications that the incident may not have occurred in Singapore but we are exploring all possibilities and urgently appealing for credible information to seek justice for the puppy.”

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“If you know the identity and whereabouts of the woman, please provide the information to the relevant agency in your country. Alternatively, you can contact us at [email protected] and we will relay the message in strict confidence,” SPCA Singapore added.

“Let us stand united against animal cruelty, wherever it may occur.”

To stop syndicates from profiting from animal torture films, SPCA Singapore urged: “Please do not circulate the video.”

Not unexpectedly, the disturbing video has gone viral, angering many animal lovers. Carly Day, who has a lifelong history working with animals, started a petition calling for justice over the puppy’s abuse.

“The innocent black-and-white puppy has their mouth tied shut, completely helpless against the agonizing torture — likely inflicted just so fetish filmmakers could make a profit,” Day wrote.

“The SPCA is urging people to avoid sharing the video, stating that there are syndicates who make a profit from animal torture films. While authorities must investigate to find those responsible, we must avoid giving these sick individuals the attention they are craving.”

However, Day added: “This shocking incident cannot be ignored, or more animals will be tortured or killed.” She wrote: “Sign this petition urging WhatsApp to conduct a thorough investigate to locate the origin of this crime, and work with local law enforcement to serve justice for this innocent puppy.”

If you have any information about this appalling animal abuse case, please contact [email protected].