In-person gatherings are great, but they aren’t always practical. These items are worth considering when you need to meet, even if you’re in Anchorage and they’re in Akron.

See Everybody
Owl Labs Meeting Owl 3This innovative system lets all participants on the call see each other, even those hiding in the back. Rather than just being able to see the person speaking, the Owl provides a 360-degree view of the room. Its highly efficient microphone has a range of up to 44 feet to make sure all comments can be heard.

Plug and Play
Poly Studio P15This system is designed to be very easy to use: Just set it on top of the monitor and plug it in to create a virtual, two-way studio. The speakers deliver crisp sound while the integral microphone lets viewers hear you clearly. Even if you get up and move around, the camera automatically keeps you framed and in focus.

Simply Better
Pictar Family Zoom KitNot everyone has access to a tablet, laptop, or full-size computer. If you prefer just using your phone, this system is worth considering. It includes an adjustable, flexible stand to hold the phone steady, wide-angle and macro lenses, and an LED light to make sure the folks on the other end can see you clearly.

Side by Side
SidekickThis system allows you to virtually sit with a group or just one favorite person via a device you can set next to you on your desk. If you’re busy, set it to mute to avoid interruptions. It’s ideal for staying in touch with friends or the new college student. This system requires a subscription plan of $25 a month.

Can You Hear Me?
Logitech Zone Wireless HeadsetBeing able to see and be seen during a teleconference is important, but so is being heard. The wireless design, boom microphone, and comfortable ear pieces of this headset ensure that you can hear every bit of the conversation—and are heard clearly, too. It’s also great for hands-free audio-only calls or for screening out distracting noise when you need to concentrate.