A man named Joe vacationing in New Mexico captured a video that went viral while out walking one day a few months ago.
Joe spotted on a rooftop in Santa Fe what looked like the head of a Labrador dog. No body, no tail, no legs, nor paws, just the head of a Lab on a rooftop.

Intrigued by this, and a bit scared, Joe captured it on video and zoomed in; when to his shock and great relief the head suddenly moved; it wasn’t a dog head at all, but a cat!
The dark spots on the cat’s light-colored back had created the perfect optical illusion of a Lab’s dark, sullen eyes and black button of a nose. The cat’s tucked elbows resembled folded dog ears.
When the cat turned its head to the side, though, its pointy ears and tiny face gave away the show.
Joe shared the video with friends who, like him, were “very surprised and also relieved at the same time,” he told The Epoch Times.

Then, sharing the video with the world, Joe posted the curious clip on TikTok where it captivated users and even went viral, to date garnering nearly 15 million views.
Some of the people online were duped by the illusion; some speculated that the dog’s head was stuck in a hole in the wall—as sometimes happens to dogs in viral videos who stick their noggins where they don’t belong without thinking the consequences through.
Some were surprised how anyone could be so easily bamboozled by the fraudulent feline. “Who thought that was a dog ??????,” wrote one woman.
Meanwhile, others’ sentiments mirrored Joe’s and his friends’, with one user commenting, “I just went through ALL the emotions!?”
“I love dogs and was so scared at first,” Joe told the newspaper, summing it up. “My friend and I were so relieved that it turned out to be a cat.”