Video: Husky Throws Hilarious Temper Tantrum When Mom Asks ‘Who Messed Up the Couch?’

Video: Husky Throws Hilarious Temper Tantrum When Mom Asks ‘Who Messed Up the Couch?’
Photo courtesy of huskynamedblu

Siberian huskies may look majestic and strong, but when they’ve done something wrong, they are just as capable of hilarious antics as the nearest toddler. One husky, a handsome pup named Blu, is living proof.

Blu, having been left to his own devices in the living room of his home, succumbed to boredom and made a mess of the couch. However, when his mom arrived and quizzed the culpable pup, Blu neither confessed nor listened to his mom’s gentle reprimand.

Instead, an epic canine tantrum ensued.

Photo courtesy of <a href="">huskynamedblu</a>
Photo courtesy of huskynamedblu
Photo courtesy of <a href="">huskynamedblu</a>
Photo courtesy of huskynamedblu
In hilarious video footage posted to YouTube on Jan. 12, 2017, Blu throws an Academy award-worthy dramatization as the camera catches every second. Sitting feet from the messed-up couch, Blu “protests” his innocence as his mom quizzes him about the mess.

“What did you do?” Blu’s mom asks gently, adding, “Buddy, hey, why did you do that?” The incredulous dog, however, unceasingly interrupts her with hilarious wails of protest, proclaiming his innocence.

The more Blu’s human companion tries to reason with him, the more he talks back. Even Blu’s owner, standing behind the camera, fails to hold back her laughter.

“Who did this to the couch?” Blu’s owner demands one last time to no avail. Blu’s owner then suppresses her giggles for long enough to finish the video with one last reprimand: “Bad boy!”

Photo courtesy of <a href="">huskynamedblu</a>
Photo courtesy of huskynamedblu
To date, Blu’s tantrum has entertained over 300,000 YouTube viewers, many of whom left comments marveling at the handsome pup’s epic theatrical performance.

“I’m not in trouble if I can’t hear you,” joked one viewer, while another added, “Dog: talk to my lawyer!”

“Blu, you are such a naughty thing! I love you to pieces,” another viewer contributed. “I do feel bad for your mommy... but I hear her giggling at times, too. I think she secretly enjoys it! Keep doing you, Blu!”

Photo courtesy of <a href="">huskynamedblu</a>
Photo courtesy of huskynamedblu
This couch-side tantrum was certainly not Blu’s first rodeo. In fact, Blu is already famous on Instagram, where his good-natured human family has been chronicling their dramatic dog’s tantrums for quite some time.

Back in May 2017, Blu was filmed throwing a similar tantrum after tearing into a box of car parts. His video was captioned: “I was trying to help dad by eating his box of car parts so that mom wouldn’t get mad at him for ordering more car parts.”

“[I]nstead,” the description continues, as quoted by the Daily Mail, “mom got mad at me! Go figure!”
Photo courtesy of <a href="">huskynamedblu</a>
Photo courtesy of huskynamedblu

Blu, defending himself against the wrath of his parents, launches into yet another bout of hilarious howling while his mom tries to reason with him. At one point, she despairs at Blu’s incessant wailing and exclaims: “Bud, stop talking over me!”

Clearly, Blu is a dog that likes to have the last word.

According to the American Kennel Club, the Siberian husky is typically a graceful medium-sized dog with a “friendly, fastidious, and dignified” character. Huskies enjoy family life, the breed experts explain, and enjoy the company of other dogs; however, they may fall short when it comes to guarding the family home due to their innate friendliness.
Photo courtesy of <a href="">huskynamedblu</a>
Photo courtesy of huskynamedblu
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