We’ve collected several notably unique suggestions that will help make your man cave even more of a sanctuary for relaxation and fun, free of honey-do lists.
Your Own Arcade

Courtesy of Sharper Image
Looking as though it came straight out of a bar or game room, this system features 32 classic arcade games, including Pac-Man, Super Pac-Man, Galaga, Galaxian, Rally X, Dig Dug, and more. All are ready to play, with vivid graphics and exciting audio—and no quarters needed!
What Man Cave?

Courtesy of Creative Home Engineering
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Imagine walking up to a bookshelf or a wall and discretely activating a secret switch that makes the bookcase or wall slide open. A wide variety of styles and sizes are available, from functional dressers and wine storage systems to walls, mirrors, or even a vintage telephone booth.
Climb High!

Courtesy of TreadWall Fitness
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Add a climbing wall and the man cave becomes a gym. The wall moves as you climb and stops when you stop, just like the real thing. The motion means you never reach the top, so a climb can last as long as desired.
Stogie Storage

Courtesy of Döttling
This Spanish cedar-lined humidor protects your cigars from atmospheric elements for maximum freshness. The drawer slides out while the glass window provides a view of your collection illuminated by LEDs. The calfskin-covered exterior exudes luxury, with a hygrometer, thermometer, and barometer monitoring the interior conditions.
Know When to Hold ’Em

Courtesy of BBO Poker Tables
Featuring oversized armrests and drink holders for maximum comfort, this table has customizable LEDs to create a spectacular atmosphere, and massive claw legs for maximum stability. Between games, use the cover to convert it to a desk or a table for projects.