Picture Puzzles: How Fast Can You Spot the Odd Symbol Out From These Images?

Picture Puzzles: How Fast Can You Spot the Odd Symbol Out From These Images?
The Epoch Times
Epoch Inspired Staff

Are you ready for yet another set of picture puzzles? All you have to do is look at each image and spot the one figure that doesn’t belong to the group.

If you are a pro at solving visual puzzles and are already convinced that this is going to be downright easy for you, let’s add to the challenge! Use a stopwatch to record how long it took you to find the odd one out in each puzzle. Let’s see if you can hit the target of 10 seconds for each image. Solve it on your own before scrolling down for the correct answers.

(Illustration - ESB Professional/Shutterstock)
Illustration - ESB Professional/Shutterstock

Puzzle 1

The first puzzle contains the same cute drawing across the whole image. You can see rows and rows of tiny little chicken figures. However, there is one particular character that doesn’t fit in with the rest. What you’re actually looking for is a bunny hiding amongst all those chickens. Have you spotted him yet?
(The Epoch Times)
The Epoch Times

Puzzle 2

The second illustration contains rows and columns, all filled with the number six. However, amongst all the sixes, there is one concealed digit. It’s a number eight amongst all the sixes. Have you noticed it? Pay close attention to each corner, row, and column of the image and try to find that sneaky eight as fast as possible.
(The Epoch Times)
The Epoch Times
Did you solve both puzzles under 10 seconds? Bravo if you did, but don’t be disheartened if you missed; we still have one more puzzle for you to try out!

Puzzle 3

The third and last puzzle is an image you may have seen on the road while driving. It has the commonly known warning road sign repeated over all the rows and columns. However, one of them is a little bit different than the rest. Have a closer look at the image and see how fast you can spot the odd traffic sign out.
(The Epoch Times)
The Epoch Times
Alright, time’s up! So, how many “odd-one-out” images did you manage to solve? Below are the correct answers for your reference.

Solution: Puzzle 1

If you look towards the left of the image, you can see that the bunny was just sitting there on the second column and fifth row from the bottom.
(The Epoch Times)
The Epoch Times

Solution: Puzzle 2

The eight amongst the sixes was sitting four spots from the right on the bottom corner.
(The Epoch Times)
The Epoch Times

Solution: Puzzle 3

The odd sign out was hiding in plain sight, pretty close to the middle of the image on the second row from the bottom.
(The Epoch Times)
The Epoch Times
During this stay-at-home period, the online puzzles and brainteasers are a great, fun way to not just pass the time but also to help improve your lateral-thinking skills and overall attentiveness. Visual puzzles can boost one’s cognitive skills like shape recognition, memory, and problem solving, says Teach.com. These puzzles also help build one’s emotional skills like patience and setting goals.

Share these puzzles with your loved ones, family, and friends. And don’t forget to set a time goal!

Epoch Inspired Staff
Epoch Inspired Staff
Epoch Inspired staff cover stories of hope that celebrate kindness, traditions, and triumph of the human spirit, offering valuable insights into life, culture, family and community, and nature.
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