Photos: A ‘Depressed-Looking’ Lion Seems to Drown His Sorrows at a Waterhole

Photos: A ‘Depressed-Looking’ Lion Seems to Drown His Sorrows at a Waterhole
Caters News

A “depressed-looking” lion was spotted drowning his sorrows at a waterhole.

The usually alert and on-guard predator was pictured looking dejected and downcast as he lay staring into space at the Nsinga Waterhole in Greater Kruger National Park in South Africa.

Photography guide Moosa Varachia, 29, was in the right place at the right time to capture the melancholy moment. He said the lion may have been sad at the prospect of leaving his pride.

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Varachia said: “As we arrived we found the lions all scattered around the water hole asleep.

“This sub-adult male lion seen in the picture then got up and made his way towards the water hole, had himself a few sips of water, and then decided to lie down right next to the water.

“Maybe this lion felt sad because he would soon have to leave his pride and go fend for himself.”

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Caters News

Varachia added: “The lion could definitely have been experiencing a life crisis about leaving his home and going out into the real world.

“Being so close to wild lions in an open safari vehicle is a bit intimidating especially since we get so close to them.

“Personally, I love big cats, and I love being able to photograph them so I am always in my element when I’m surrounded by these beautiful animals.”

(Caters News)
Caters News
Epoch Times staff contributed to this report.
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