Miracle twin boys from the United Kingdom who beat the odds to survive after being born at 24 weeks are proving that the abortion limit might need to be reconsidered. Their premature birth shocked their parents after doctors told them to prepare for the worst.
The tiny palm-sized twins Charlie and Harvey Baker were born in May 2017 and weighed 1 pound 6 ounces (approx. 624 g) and 1 pound 4 ounces (567 g) respectively. The brave boys astounded medical staff as they put up a fantastic fight, delighting first-time parents Luci Hall and Joseph Baker.

During her pregnancy, the expectant mom became aware that the boys in the womb had a rare condition called twin-to-twin transfusion, which meant that there was uneven blood flow; thus, Charlie was getting more nutrition than his brother.

Due to how early the twins were born, both the parents were terrified with the thought of whether their newborns would survive. Sadly, after the twins were born, both Mom and Dad didn’t even have an opportunity to hold their two precious boys, as they were rushed to the intensive care unit.

In the months that followed, the baby brothers went through a serious of medical procedures, including seven blood transfusions, and they also suffered from bronchiolitis. By then, the two boys had been through so much in their tiny lives. “We were watching our babies fighting for their lives. You can’t explain what it’s like to be in that situation, it’s horrendous,” Luci said.

However, a month later, Harvey was readmitted once again to the hospital and was separated from his parents and baby brother Charlie. His mom shared that he had stopped breathing and his lungs became so weak that his tiny body wasn’t getting enough oxygen. “[T]he lack of oxygen meant he had become visually impaired,” Luci revealed.
For the next few months, the mom struggled between caring for Harvey in the hospital and Charlie at home. However, Harvey came back home in May 2018 after struggling for the first year of his life.

Their joy today is a far cry from the emotions that were flowing when the twins put in their unexpected arrival.
Today, the boys are 3 years old and have grown healthy and strong. The outcome for the twins has been nothing short of miraculous. A relieved Luci comments: “Every day, Joseph and I are shocked and amazed by how incredibly they’re both doing.”
The boys pulled through against the odds of survival and have raised a question if the abortion limit should be rethought of by lawmakers.

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