The Labbe family, of Grafton, Massachusetts, also hopes that the flags will draw attention to the “true heroes” of the pandemic, the first responders, nurses, and doctors working on the front lines.

The Labbes’ special tribute has cost them thousands of dollars and manpower, but they have politely refused donations even though they have taken a financial hit due to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus. The family is more concerned about running out of space in their front yard on Keith Hill Road.

Michael served as an EMT, a firefighter, and a police officer before opening his own business. He began planting flags on his family’s front lawn just six days after the first virus deaths in Massachusetts state were announced.
Michael’s wife, Carrie, his daughters Mycala, Ashley, and Melissa, and his stepdaughters Camryn and Kacey willingly assisted.

To protect their lawn, the family has placed wooden boards on the ground, each with 25 hand-drilled holes to bear the miniature flags. Michael’s children have taken the lead on placing the flags each time new deaths are reported.
“Ninety-five percent of these people didn’t get to say goodbye to their mothers, their fathers, their brothers, their sisters, their children,” Michael reflected. “And if [visitors] can pull up here and see that and it gives them a little bit of stress relief, or comfort, it’s worth every ounce of effort.”
“It’s about paying it forward in life,” he added.

Drive-by visitors to the Labbes’ home are met with a large sign by the lawn that reads, “Every flag you see represents each life taken here in Massachusetts by the faceless beast called coronavirus.”
“Thank you to all the men and women on the front lines protecting us here and abroad,” the sign continues. “You are the true heroes.”

The moving tribute has attracted as many as 30 to 40 visitors per day on weekends. The Labbes welcome everyone while requesting that all drive-by visitations respect social distancing regulations. Previously, the Labbe family home was locally famed for its elaborate Christmas decorations.
“It’s his way of showing that he cares about everyone,” Melissa reflected. “I think it’s amazing that he thought of this and he’s just an amazing role model for all of us.”