‘It Just Doesn’t Stay Down’: Baby Is Born With Hair That Sticks Out in All Directions

‘It Just Doesn’t Stay Down’: Baby Is Born With Hair That Sticks Out in All Directions

A mother from the United Kingdom has taken to TikTok to document her baby’s unusual hair after it began sticking up in every direction. Since sharing her videos, they have gone viral.

Aliyah Lewis, 20, from Barry Island, Wales, gave birth to baby Arla 5 months ago and was surprised that after the baby’s first bath, her hair began to grow outwards and didn’t stop.

“It just doesn’t stay down at all,” Aliyah said, referring to her daughter’s hair. “I’ve tried brushing it and nothing happens.”

Baby Arla with her hair sticking out in all directions. (SWNS)
Baby Arla with her hair sticking out in all directions. (SWNS)

When Arla’s hair is wet, Aliyah states that it will go down for two minutes, however, after her bath, it tends to go back up again.

Even a hat cannot seem to control the baby’s hair.

“She could be wearing a hat for 30 minutes, you take it off and within a couple of minutes it’s back up again,” Aliyah said.


Arla’s “soft and fluffy” hair is not only appreciated by her parents, friends, and family but even strangers are fans.

“Random people have stopped me when I’m out and about, commenting on her hair,” Aliyah said. “Everyone in the family thinks it’s crazy.”

Aliyah Lewis with baby Arla. (SWNS)
Aliyah Lewis with baby Arla. (SWNS)

Witnessing Arla’s unique hair, many people have wondered if the quirky hairstyle is due to uncontrollable hair syndrome or an allergy, however, Arla doesn’t seem to have any allergy.

Aliyah is also confident that Arla doesn’t have uncontrollable hair syndrome as those with the condition tend to have white, almost silvery hair. However, Arla’s hair isn’t like that.


Arla’s parents secretly hope that the little girl’s hair can stay the same for years to come.

“To be honest, I quite like it,” Aliyah said. “It’s almost like her own little personality.”

“So I hope it stays that way.”

Epoch Times Staff contributed to this report. 
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