In a heartwarming video, a mother from England has captured her toddler finding it hard to grasp how she was once in her mother’s belly.
“We were looking through some old photos when she saw some of my pregnancy and I told her my belly was big because she was inside,” the beautician said.

Intrigued by the newfound fact, the little girl couldn’t stop talking about it and was confused about how she was once inside her mother’s stomach and now she is out.
Kesia recalled that the conversation was a tough one since she had to keep the facts simple so that Amélie could process the information.
“I honestly didn’t know what to say, it was very awkward,” the mom of one said.
Since Amélie had never asked about the topic before and kept coming out of nowhere asking the same question “So, I was in your belly mummy?’” Kesia decided to record her conversation.
In the hilarious video, little Amélie is seen with a confused face asking her mother the big question before her father, Robbie, answers.
The adorable toddler then reconfirms with the statement: “I was very little in your belly.”
However, Amélie’s questions don’t just stop there. Even while sitting in the bathroom she asks her mother, “So, the doctor took me out?”
Her eyes light up when she realizes that she’s “too big now.”

Kesia later shared the precious moment on social media and found that a lot of parents could relate to it and had similar stories.
After that day, Amélie hasn’t spoken about it. However, Kesia hopes that she can explain to her daughter about pregnancy when she is old enough to understand.