Summer is finally among us and this means that heatwaves and drought are coming to many parts of the country. Because of this many plants and gardens will be affected due to this sudden change of weather. With summer heat and sun, the need to keep our plants, gardens and flowers watered increases dramatically.
Planting drought-tolerant plants is a great idea for those who live in locations that are dry and lack rain. Summer heat is unreal, and this does not just affect normal everyday lives but gardening as well.

Because of this weather, there are actually many plants out there that can survive the dry weather. Meaning that just because the dry weather is coming and there is a lack of rain and water, but with a little planning, your garden can still be vibrant and green. There are plants require alot less water than others, and some that can actually thrive in dry, high heat environments.
If you live in an area that suffers from this heat and drought then consider changing up your garden. You can include plants that are resilient and survive the dry soil.
If you want just greenery in your garden there are various options for you. Depending on your space you can add cacti, succulents, Jade plants, and even agave or aloe. There are various species that thrive in dry environments. And many of these plants are plants other gardeners recognize, so you can get help when it comes time to care for them. During these dry summer months, these species of plants tend to get watered every other week, making them a great option for areas with water restrictions, and frequent droughts.

If color is the focus for your garden, there are a great number of colorful plants and flowers you can choose from. Flowers like California poppies, Portulaca, Coneflowers, and Daisies thrive in dry soil. Many of these flowers are drought tolerant and survive as long as there is adequate drainage. And many of the plus sides of having these plants is that they attract birds and butterflies, enhancing the beauty of your garden.
Another possibility is drought-tolerant shrubbery. Certain shrubs require less water and can add to your overall landscaping and garden plan. Another great thing about adding shrubbery is that it can create an attractive landscape as well as framing your yard or garden. Shrubs you should consider are Lilac, Boxwood, Russian Sage, and Beautyberry. And while some of these shrubs are greenery-focused, many of these also attract pollinators.

You do not have to limit your self to flowers, plants and shrubs you can also grow various veggies. For example, artichoke, as long as it is placed in well-drained soil and shelter, can survive dry weather. Since its native land is the Mediterranean, the dry weather mimics its homeland creating a plant that is low maintenance and eventually edible.
If you want to focus on herbs, you would be surprised that many herbs are actually very resilient. Herbs like sage, rosemary, lavender, and thyme. Not only will growing these herbs enhance your cooking but these are also easy to grow. They are drought-tolerant and can continue to grow without succumbing to the lack of water. They add flavor to your cooking, add scent to your garden, and they are great for pollinators, and are even insect repellents to various unwanted summer bugs.

Finally, there are certain kinds of trees that are drought resistant, but they don’t all start out that way. Some of these trees start off as high-maintenance. But as they grow they become heartier. If you want to add trees then Tea Tree and Palo Verde can grow into becoming resilient with litter watering.
Like all plants, in the beginning they will need to be cared for like any other sapling, but once they have grown a bit they require less maintenance, making them easy to care for when it comes to drought season. trees take time, and can be started in large pots that can be moved inside when needed while they are young.
Just because its summer, and water restrictions or drought conditions might be an issue for you depending on where you might live, your garden doesn’t have to be colorless or lifeless. There are many options for your yard to be colorful, and flourishing, and even providing your with food even is water is an issue.