Watering methods for your indoor or outdoor gardens

Watering methods for your indoor or outdoor gardens
Drip watering is an easy way to minimize watering while maintaining a healthy garden. (USDA/Lance Cheung)

Gardening has become a popular hobby in the last year. With the pandemic, many working from home now, and people even wanting to grow their own food, gardening has exploded in popularity, but with all our day to day responsibilities, sometimes small things might slip our minds. Watering your plants is one of those small details that in a busy life, might either get pushed back, or simply forgotten.

But there are ways to keep your garden healthy and well maintained. There are many ways to keep your plants watered with little effort.

Even if you have drought-tolerant plants or a garden that needs little tending too, watering is still vital to plant survival. Whether you live in a dry and humid or even a cool, refreshing location it is important to keep your plants watered.

A solution is to add a watering system to help keep your plants healthy.

Many of these can be easy and cheap, while others can be a more permanent but expensive solution. Depending on your choices, you can save money and on your water bill.  They can also save time and give you time to run those errands during a busy day, without rushing or forgetting to water your garden.

Sprinklers are flexible for any busy gardener, with proper placement and a timer you can keep your plant healthy through any dry climate. (Lina Kivaka/Pexels)
Sprinklers are flexible for any busy gardener, with proper placement and a timer you can keep your plant healthy through any dry climate. (Lina Kivaka/Pexels)

Watering system options

If you would like a more permanent, but expensive solution there are various options for you to choose from. As many know, sprinklers are a popular option, but what many don’t know is that you can add a timer so you can control how much water and when it is being used. It also helps if you are out of the house or on vacation, watering your garden without worrying if you will come back to dry or dead plants.

Another permanent solution you can use is the drip irrigation system. There are various types of drip systems, and many are inexpensive. While these systems take a while to install, they are great to have a small but constant flow of water, especially during dry weather. There is also an affordable version of this where you can use PVC pipes as a drip system. Many gardeners love the idea of a drip irrigation system. You can place each pipe near the plants that need the water, and it is possible to add a timer as well that way you can control what time when you are not home.

Drip watering is an easy way to minimize watering while maintaining a healthy garden. (USDA/Lance Cheung)
Drip watering is an easy way to minimize watering while maintaining a healthy garden. (USDA/Lance Cheung)

If you are a fan of raised beds and trough gardens, then make sure to add an irrigation system to them. You can use PVC pipes and do the same as a drip system or you can use a soaker hose. This technique is great for the garden beds that are growing your veggies and more simple plants that need watering. If you felt like adding a garden bar or raised bed, a great tip is to build your irrigation system within the bed. This way you can be sure the roots, the location your plants need water, they get water.

Drip water irrigation works best if you do not have many plants, and you do not need to keep a constant eye on your plants. You can do a DIY drip irrigation system with a plastic bottle. This system works similarly to those watering globes that were a trend many years ago. With a clean water bottle drill some holes in and then dig the bottle in the moist soil. This way the bottle will “drip” water into the soil, keeping the soil moist while you are away.

If this seems to not work out for you and you want to keep your indoor plants in check and healthy while you are gone or in the hot weather, one thing to consider is changing and upgrading your planters. In this day and age, there are wonderful planters that self-water on their own. This works by having a reservoir on the bottom that you periodically fill. This then delivers the water to your plant, keeping it healthy and hydrated.

Placing your household plants in a tub of water allows them to take in the water they will need for a length of time. (Alan Levine/Flickr)
Placing your household plants in a tub of water allows them to take in the water they will need for a length of time. (Alan Levine/Flickr)

The last few options are a quicker and more simple solution, but they won’t last as long as the previous examples. One way is dipping bottom of your pots in a tub with water. This way your plants can can use the vacuum principle to absorb water like a sponge. The advantages of this method are that your plants and soil will only absorb the amount of water that its able to and not drown the roots and kill your plants.

Another idea is making a greenhouse with a plastic bag. While it may seem like an unconventional idea it is quite innovative. Placing your plant inside the bag and placing it in indirect sunlight can cause a greenhouse effect and cause evaporation that collects in the bag and drips back into your plant.

The last and easiest idea you can use is a water wicking. Use some cotton rope and attach that between your water container and planter. This method also uses a saturation method to bring water into the planter by using the rope as a medium that absorbs water from the water supply and releases it into the soil in the planter. This method keeps you plants environment watered at a steady rate without overwater.

There are many options out there that you can use to keep your water moist, hydrated, and healthy. These options can be wonderful additions to any active gardener. That way on a busy day or a hot summer your plants will be left alive during this drought-heavy weather. From various easy and affordable options to expensive and permanent options you can find something that works best for you and your home.

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