Grieving Mom Claims Abortion Is Murder With Photos of 14-Week-Old Miscarried Baby

Grieving Mom Claims Abortion Is Murder With Photos of 14-Week-Old Miscarried Baby
(Illustration - Getty Images)
Epoch Inspired Staff


A heartbroken mother shared photos of her miscarried baby that she tragically lost at 14 weeks of pregnancy. She wants to highlight an important point: that abortion is equal to murder. For a pregnant woman who carries a baby in her womb, regardless of how small it is, it is still a precious life—a life that ought to be cherished.

Felicia Cash and her husband had struggled with infertility for 13 years until they adopted three girls. Afterward, Cash then gave birth to two sons within a few years.

During springtime of 2017, Cash was pregnant for the third time with twins. But there were troubles early in her pregnancy.

“We had multiple pregnancy complications, starting at six weeks,” she told Live Action News. “I went into the hospital, bleeding, in fear of miscarriage. They did an ultrasound and told us that we had lost one of two, but that the second baby looked healthy and strong.”

Unfortunately, the doctors were wrong. “Monday morning, I had more bleeding and then pain,” said Cash. “It happened very suddenly. I told my husband he needed to come home from work—only a 20 minute drive—but before he could get here, my water broke and within 10 minutes I had delivered my tiny son into my own hands. …”

Baby Japeth Peace was born at 14 weeks, 6 days. Cash posted the stillborn baby’s photos on Facebook to show people that even at just three-and-a-half months’ gestation, a child is not just “a cluster of cells,” “a lump of tissue,” or “a blob of unformed flesh.”

“Our beautiful Japeth Peace, miscarried July 24th at 14 weeks 6 days. He is perfectly and wonderfully formed, right down to his amazing tiny toes and fingers,” reads the post. “Even his fingernails are formed and visible. Tiny veins that carried his own blood to his precious body can be seen through his delicate skin, even his wonderfully formed muscles are visible.”

Cash sincerely hopes that her posts can help pregnant women who are thinking about abortion to reconsider it, for aborting their baby would be killing their baby.

“As a final plea, if you are considering abortion, please take time to find the truth and reconsider. This is not an effort to shame, belittle, or condemn anyone in any way. It is the plea of a woman who just lost her child for you to at least consider other options.”

Her thought-provoking post resonated with social media users and garnered more than 1,700 shares. Meanwhile, many who went through a similar situation shared their story.

One social media user wrote: “When I was 8 weeks pregnant i had a scan and lady said to me there is a pregnancy but there is no heartbeat they can’t tell when the baby died after five days later I went to the hospital to get treatment 2 days later the baby was out so it came out 9 weeks old that was a year ago but I think every day.”

While another commented: “How beautiful that you would share pictures of your precious baby. You baby certainly has a purpose in life and in death -- to let the world know that this BABY is not a blob or just tissue but a beautiful human being, fully formed, fully a miracle. Thank you.”

Indeed, life is truly precious. Alluding to the topic of abortion, Cash told Live Action News, “I know that many women feel that they have no other choice, and later they regret their decision to have an abortion.”

“As miserable as this event has been, and as heart-rending and tearful,” Cash said, “I still thank God that I have been able to share Japeth’s precious life.”

After the tragic loss of baby Japeth, Cash gave birth to a beautiful girl named Vera on Jan. 15, 2019. Cash shared the news with a precious photo of her, writing: “My sweet Vera made her entrance, or rather her exit from womb life this morning at 8:20 am, 6lbs 7 oz, 19 1/2 inches of perfection.”
Cash is a “Mother of 8: 3 adopted, 3 living bios, and 2 passed on to glory” as per her bio on her Facebook profile. The pro-life abolitionist is also an author of a book called “The Last Sorcerer.”
The rights of unborn babies have just been given a huge boost, with nearly all abortions carried out in the state of Alabama becoming a crime—except under extenuating circumstances. Read more here.
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