Dear Dave,
I just started Baby Step 3 of your plan. It took me about 12 months to pay off $8,000 in debt during Baby Step 2. I am 50, and I work in the printing industry making about $38,000 a year in a city with no local or state income tax. I have not done a lot about retirement yet, and that worries me now that I’m learning to manage money in a smarter way. How can I stay on track with the Baby Steps and still do something about retirement?
Dear Blake,
The median household income in America is around $68,000, and that’s often two incomes. You’re probably working pretty hard for that $38,000, so I would challenge you to think about and work toward something you could be doing in the near future to make that much money or more.
I want you to open your mind and imagination, and start thinking fresh again. Don’t do something silly like quit your job today, but if you’re going to be making $38,000 five or 10 years from now, it’s time to aim at something else.
Maybe you’d like to do something completely different, or even own your own printing company by that time. Who knows? The cool thing is you can make it happen, and the choice is all yours!