
heavy metals

Exposure to Heavy Metals Linked to Dementia Risk

Exposure to Heavy Metals Linked to Dementia Risk

Cilantro: From Master Chelator to Anticonvulsant

Cilantro: From Master Chelator to Anticonvulsant

Natural Antidotes: Food and Herbs for Healing Heavy Metal Toxicity

Natural Antidotes: Food and Herbs for Healing Heavy Metal Toxicity

Weighing the Impact of the Gold King Mine Spill—And Hundreds of Inactive Mines Like It

Weighing the Impact of the Gold King Mine Spill—And Hundreds of Inactive Mines Like It

‘Safe’ Plastics Leach Toxins When They Break Down

‘Safe’ Plastics Leach Toxins When They Break Down

5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Trust ‘Organic’ From China

5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Trust ‘Organic’ From China