Dear Next Generation: The Beauty of ‘Wow Moments’

Dear Next Generation: The Beauty of ‘Wow Moments’
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My husband and I have two daughters and four grandchildren. Although our daughters did well in school and life has been kind to them, they definitely dealt with a lot of challenges during their school years especially when they were young. I spoke to them about “Wow Moments” to help them through the disappointments in life. I hope this can help other children keep a positive attitude when life doesn’t seem quite so “fair”:

When my kids were little, I spoke to them about “Wow Moments.” Everyone gets a certain amount of “Wow Moments” in their lives. You never know when you’ll get to use one of your “Wow Moments.” Sometimes you might really, really want something so badly and you worked so hard; but someone else wins, gets picked for a team or a play and you might be really sad. But you are only witnessing someone else getting to use their “Wow Moment.”

The thing to remember about “Wow Moments” is that you only get so many. If everything you really, really wanted in kindergarten happened, you might have used up all your “Wow Moments.” As life unfolds, you’ll see that what you thought might be the beginning or the end isn’t exactly as big as you thought and you might be really happy you didn’t use up one of your “Wow Moments” back then.

The really great thing about “Wow Moments” is that they love company. When you see someone use their “Wow Moment,” you can be pretty certain they’d really appreciate it if you would join in their celebration. Congratulate them. Be happy you get to witness their special moment just like you’d like to see others happy to see you using your “Wow Moments.” Everyone has their own so don’t worry if they are using one of theirs. It will not lessen how many you will still have. When you don’t get to use your “Wow Moment,” just remember kindergarten and know your special moment just hasn’t shown up yet because it just wasn’t your special “Wow Moment” time.

Some people don’t get to use their “Wow Moments” until much later in life—great careers, marriages, adventures. Some people use them up quickly—great school friends when they are young, being asked to a dance. Just keep a positive attitude and keep a look out for “Wow Moments”—yours or others—so you won’t miss any of the good stuff in life. Believe in yourself, be kind, and be joyful for others and you will find yourself in the middle of a “Wow Moment” when you least expect it. Meanwhile, stay on your path you were meant to walk, and life will unfold as it is meant to be.

Johanne Schwartz


Six words to be of real value to family, friends, in the workplace, and especially yourself:

“What can I do to help?”

Dave Stellingworth


What advice would you like to give to the younger generations?
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