Dating Etiquette: Looking for Love

Dating Etiquette: Looking for Love
CSA Images/Getty Images
Bill Lindsey
Whether it’s a first date or the 457th, it’s important to be respectful and polite to ensure that you both have a great time.

Big Smiles

It’s understandable to be nervous or shy on a date, so overcome this by making sure your date feels comfortable. A warm, genuine smile, combined with eye contact, puts others at ease. Watch their body language for signs of boredom, irritation, or agreement, alerting you to revise what you are doing or saying.
If drinks are being served, take care to not let your date, or you, overindulge as a way to overcome shyness.

Listen Closely

Encourage your date to talk as much as they want. Understand that, sometimes, a shy person needs a bit of encouragement, so ask innocuous questions and offer appropriate compliments such as “Did you grow up around here?” or “You have a great smile!” Resist the urge to talk about yourself; instead, pay attention to what they are saying. You’ll impress them much more by being a good listener than you would by just talking about yourself.

Tick Tock

Choose a location for the date that’s convenient for both parties, and arrive on time. Punctuality is a sign of respect; those who make a habit of arriving “fashionably late” send a signal of disrespect for others. If you realize you will be even a little bit late, advise them well in advance. Wrap up the date at a decent hour, especially if you both need to be at work early the next morning.

Be Diplomatic

When first dating, be careful to avoid potentially controversial topics such as politics or religion, and especially previous relationships that ended badly. If the other person strays into these areas, you can gently change the subject if you feel the need, or be very careful choosing your answers. However, if it becomes very clear that the two of you have vastly different beliefs, preferences, and attitudes, it may be best for both parties to end the date politely and go your separate ways.

Grooming Matters

A date should be an exciting event, so along with showing up on time, make an effort to look good, too. For men, a collared shirt, clean jeans or pants, and nice shoes (she will look) are a great choice, while ladies might consider a similar look or possibly a casual dress. To increase the chance of a follow-up date, guys should avoid a trendy 5 o’clock shadow, or, if you have a beard, make sure it’s neatly trimmed.
Bill Lindsey
Bill Lindsey
Bill Lindsey is an award-winning writer based in South Florida. He covers real estate, automobiles, timepieces, boats, and travel topics.
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