It might look like the hearing-impaired would have the upper hand (pun intended) in solving this hand-sign riddle, but what you’re looking at in this illustration is not actually sign language.
However, if you’re a “right-brained” person—which means you’re more artistically minded—you might have an edge in deciphering the coded message below. Those whose brains are geared this way tend to be able to make sense out of chaos, while those who are left-brain thinkers tend to fare better with orderly tasks like math.
Below is a coded message that will reveal something about you:

Were you able to read it? Try squinting your eyes if you’re having trouble. But if your eyes are just not up for the task, scroll down to see the answer.

Whether you’re hearing-impaired or not, whether you’re right-brained, left-brained, artistic or orderly, or something in between, if you were able to decode this message, congratulations; you truly are AWESOME!
Please share this with a friend and see how handy their decoding skills are with this tricky hand-sign message!