A good deed was noticed in a Kroger parking lot in Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 2 when an elderly woman was struggling getting her groceries to the car.
Local daycare owner Victoria Curtis, 36, saw three young men in the store parking lot spring into action to help the lady, who looked as though she might collapse.
“As I got out of the car with my 9-year-old daughter Mackenzie, [I] notice three young men are running from each direction, helping the elderly woman who was struggling to push her cart.” Victoria told The Epoch Times. “It seemed as if her legs were giving out on her.”

She watched the boys help her to the car and put her groceries inside, and snapped a photo of the exchange, which she later posted on Facebook.
“I seen the most amazing act of kindness today at Kroger’s on Winton rd in Cincinnati,” she captioned. “Whoever these young men’s parents are, you raise them well.”
After witnessing this, her heart was “full of joy and happiness.” She walked over to them and told them how proud of them she was.

“You don’t see this every day, especially with everything going on in our community,” she told the newspaper. “So many teens have lost their lives to gun violence.”
Afterward, hoping to give them the recognition they deserved, and not let the good deed go unrewarded, she sought out the manager of Kroger to help her get in touch with the boys and reward them.
They located the young men, and she found out their names were: Josiah, Kingston, and Demetrius, and arranged to meet up with them at Kroger a few days later—to present a token of her appreciation.
Victoria shared an update on Facebook: “I had the pleasure of rewarding them with pizza, gift cards and gifts,” she wrote. “Let’s give them the attention they deserve.”
She had no idea her post would go viral, but said she’s happy it did, so that the world will see “we still have some great young well-mannered young men who are still around.”