Working Mom Delivers Epic Comeback to Internet Troll Who Said She ‘Looks Tired’

Working Mom Delivers Epic Comeback to Internet Troll Who Said She ‘Looks Tired’
(Courtesy of Melanie Borden)

When marketing executive and mother of two Melanie Borden got a comment on social media that she “looked tired,” she delivered an awesome comeback.

The busy mom responded to her critic on LinkedIn, “I am very proud of looking tired. I work my tail off.”

Melanie, who lives in New Jersey, shared:
“I get a lot of messages and comments that are very positive and kind, but today I wanted to share one with you that I found to be totally ridiculous and felt compelled to share from one of my videos this past week. ‘You look tired Melanie.’”
(Courtesy of <a href="">Melanie Borden</a>)
(Courtesy of Melanie Borden)

“Yes I am tired,” she conceded. “On behalf of everyone everywhere worldwide we are all tired from 2020. Especially working parents.”

Melanie, who works for a luxury car company, has two daughters aged 5 and 7. “My kids are my number one priority,” she explained, “and now we are doing virtual school again for the second time around this year.”

Beside complications arising from the pandemic, “normal parent things” such as sleep disturbances and caring for sick children also take their toll, she added.

“I work my tail off as both a mom and employee,” she signed off. “If looking tired is a badge of honor for my accomplishments this year, I’ll take it! Who else is with me on this?”

(Courtesy of <a href="">Melanie Borden</a>)
(Courtesy of Melanie Borden)
After her empowering message went viral, Melanie told Good Morning America that her desire was to stick up for working moms, and to “shed light on a troll for trying to make me feel bad for how I look.”
Mothers are already so hard on themselves, and each other, she reflected. She adds:
“We have to be the leaders for our children who are the next generation and teach them kindness. This year, we are all in the same boat. Our kids are home and we are working at home with them, trying to figure it out while trying to still be ourselves.”
(Courtesy of <a href="">Melanie Borden</a>)
(Courtesy of Melanie Borden)
The response to her LinkedIn post, she said, has been overwhelmingly positive. “[T]he only thing that’s tired is that comment,” ventured one netizen.

“I am with you,” wrote another, “being tired has just become the new normal this year with everything going on. Much respect for all you do.”

Speaking to Working Mother, Melanie reflected that she learned two major lessons in 2020. “I have learned to be kind to myself and that my children need the stability and structure,” she said, “and their wellbeing is my priority.”
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