Woman Receives Surprise Gift From Stranger Whose Car Rear-Ended Hers: ‘Just Be Kind’

Woman Receives Surprise Gift From Stranger Whose Car Rear-Ended Hers: ‘Just Be Kind’
(Courtesy of Bek Pearson)

A woman rear-ended at a roundabout in Canberra, Australia, drove away from the ordeal feeling reassured by the kind conversation she'd shared with the other driver. A week later, she was shocked seeing a surprise gift at her doorstep.

Bek Pearson was on her way to work when she joined a queue of cars approaching a roundabout. As she was waiting, a car bumped her from the rear, causing a minor accident.

“We both pulled over to a safe area and the young guy jumped out, a bit shaken and extremely apologetic,” Pearson told The Epoch Times. “I reassured him everything was okay, and that as long as we were physically fine, that’s all that mattered.”

Pearson and the young driver in his mid-20s checked themselves and their vehicles before exchanging details, then went their separate ways. In the days following, they corresponded via text to arrange insurance cover and to make sure each was feeling better.

“We were both slightly sore from the impact,” she said.

Bek Pearson, from Australia, received a surprise gift from the stranger whose car rear-ended hers in a minor accident on July 21. (Courtesy of <a href="https://www.facebook.com/brainwashedxx/">Bek Pearson</a>)
Bek Pearson, from Australia, received a surprise gift from the stranger whose car rear-ended hers in a minor accident on July 21. (Courtesy of Bek Pearson)

Pearson was in the middle of moving house when the stranger dropped off an unexpected envelope on July 29. Her cousin answered the door; arriving home, Pearson was shocked to discover what had been delivered.

It was a box of chocolates and a cinema voucher, along with a card. Pearson shared about the generous gift and the card on Facebook, saying that it was “one of the loveliest messages from a stranger, ever.” In his card, the man wished her well and hoped that she would “create positive memories and experiences out of a negative one.”

Pearson told The Epoch Times that the sign-off was “very touching” and a “very important message,” reminding us to always look at the positives in any situation.

“That really impacted me,” she said. “It was a major surprise and one of the loveliest gestures I have ever received. His kind manner was more than enough when dealing with this kind of situation. Going a step further to send me a gift was above and beyond what was needed.”

Pearson said she thanked the stranger for his gift via text. They wished one another well and haven’t spoken since.

“We had an accidental situation, we worked through it, and it ended on a positive note,” she said.

“Kindness is so important, especially with all that is going on in the world right now. Yet so often, the littlest of acts can leave the most lasting impressions! Just be kind to yourself, and those around you.”

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