Woman Approaches a Lonely Little Girl Who Was Rejected by Everyone, Gets a Big Surprise

One day, while I was walking in the park I noticed a little girl. She stood barefoot and dirty and indifferently, watching all of the people going by.
Woman Approaches a Lonely Little Girl Who Was Rejected by Everyone, Gets a Big Surprise
(Illustration by The Epoch Times, Courtesy of Ancient Stories, Shutterstock)
Ancient Stories
Ancient Stories is dedicated to discovering timeless traditions and morals from different cultures across the world. We hope these chosen tales of wisdom will benefit our readers, both young and old.
The following tale is one of the many video stories produced by the Ancient Stories channel on GanJingWorld.com, a global online platform helping revitalize traditional connections. Enjoy reading!

One day, while I was walking in the park I noticed a little girl. She stood barefoot and dirty and indifferently, watching all of the people going by. She was silent and did not say a word.

Everybody just passed by and did not pay any attention to her.

The next day, I decided to go back to that park and check to see if the girl was still there. She was right there, in the same spot as yesterday, sadly looking around. I felt worried about her, as a park full of strangers is not a good place for small kids to play alone.

(Courtesy of Ancient Stories)
(Courtesy of Ancient Stories)

I started to approach her and suddenly noticed that the girl’s back was oddly deformed. A thought crossed my mind that maybe this was the reason why everyone was avoiding her and did not try to help.

I got closer and smiled, to let her know that I was there to talk—to help. I started with, “Hello,” and then sat down near her. The girl was very surprised, however, and after a long stare into my eyes she replied, “Hi!”

We talked and talked, so many hours passed by and darkness came. The park became silent and empty. Then I carefully asked the little girl why she was so sorrowful and lonesome.

(Courtesy of Ancient Stories)
(Courtesy of Ancient Stories)

“I am different, that’s why,” was her reply.

I agreed with her and smiled, “Yes, you are,” and then I continued, “You remind me of an Angel, pure and sweet.”

She slowly rose to her feet and smiled, “Really?”

I confirmed that she looked to me like a little Guardian Angel to watch all of the people going by. To my surprise, she nodded her head and admitted, “I am, I am your guardian angel,” and then she spread her wings.

I was so amazed that I couldn’t say a word.

(Courtesy of Ancient Stories)
(Courtesy of Ancient Stories)

After a moment she explained, “To think of someone other than yourself—that was the purpose of my job here.”

Then I got to my feet and asked, “Why has nobody stopped to help you?”

“Because only you could see me,” was her answer, and then she was gone.

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Ancient Stories is dedicated to relaying chosen tales of wisdom from around the world, offering a valuable collection of inspiring stories to guide humankind on the path of tradition, goodness, and kindness.
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