This story is about a Creator who created people and gave them words and a thinking mind for communication. He settled them in the fertile valley at the foot of the mountains and gave them longevity.
He started to observe how they aspired to develop. But after some time had passed, these people did not develop. They did not go beyond the village, and they did not climb up the mountains. Their eyes did not look at the sky nor did they look in their hearts. So, these people became old.
The Creator decided to find out what the problem was. So, He became a man and came to them as a traveler. Before sunset, people gathered at the square to talk with the traveler.

The traveler described to them a life beyond the horizon, and he suggested: “Do you want me to lead you there, and you will see how people live in these places?”
“Oh,” they answered sadly. “It is late; we have become old and tired ...”
Then the traveler suggested, “You should come with me to the mountains to look at the world from the top.”
“Oh,” they suspired. “It is too late, and we have no energy.”
The Traveler then said to them, “Look at the sky, and I will tell you about life in the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Then they answered again, “It is late; our minds will not understand your story.”

The Traveler became sad. He decided to cheer up the people. “Let’s sing a song,” he said.
He was going to sing first, but then people noticed that the sun had gone down. They said, “It is late. It is time to sleep.” And they all went to their huts.
The Traveler shouted to them, “People! When life is continuous and infinite, it is not too late for any achievements.”
However, they did not turn back.

Then the Creator told himself: “I will take away all words of limitation from people. I will take away ‘late,’ ‘not,’ ‘impossible,’ ‘far,’ ‘high,’ ‘hard,’ and ‘I do not understand.’ And I will place in their hearts the joy of infinity.
“Maybe then, they will perceive my Law that nothing is late, because there is no end—there is only the beginning!”
The Creator did so and waited for the morning: Will people change and will they go with the traveler to the mountains?