A rhino keeper in Kenya has snapped a hilarious selfie with the huge animal that he cares for.
Joseph, who works for the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, took a selfie with Apollo the rhino. The rhino is under the care of Joseph since being rescued at 6 months old.
Apollo had lost his mother due to natural causes and wouldn’t have survived without his mother’s protection or milk, so a team got together to bring him to safety; Joseph took on the role of a parent to this orphaned rhino calf.

Amie Alden, from the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, said: “Apollo was rescued so that specialist rhino caregivers could provide nourishment, warmth, and milk.
“As he grows in the care of the Sheldrick Trust at their Field Headquarters, he spends his day walking around the conservation with his carers, becoming familiarized with forage and wild animals.
“Eventually, he’ll be returned back to the wild in a protected area so that he can rejoin his kin.
“For our keepers, like Joseph who is pictured here with black rhino Apollo, the orphans they care for are an extension of their family. Being able to support their children’s development, so that they can eventually go into the wild world and stand on their own four feet, is a great honor and one that brings rewards every day.”