If you were born around 1990, or slightly earlier, you may recall “Where’s Waldo?” books, which enticed us for hours to pore over pages, illustrated in fine detail, in search of one little man who dressed a little differently from everyone else. In a sea of tiny people, finding Waldo was like looking for a needle in a haystack.
But for some funny reason, it was fun.
These days we have the internet equivalent of “Where’s Waldo?” with brainteasers like this one! If your eyes were sharp enough to pick out a tiny guy in a toque and striped shirt, see how well you fare finding the odd one out in the illustrations below.

Did that one seem tough? Did you get it done in time? If so, congratulations; you have keen eyes!

Tough, isn’t it? Were you able to find the odd one out?

Phew! That was tough; did you find the hidden letter?
If weren’t able to find the odd ones out, that’s no problem; here are the solutions below:1.



It looked like a trick question at first, didn’t it? Just look at that audacious W hiding in plain sight in the sea of Ms! You'd be easily forgiven for overlooking that sneaky character.