“What Happened to the McCrays?” is the third novel by Tracey Lange. Her first book, “We Are The Brennans,” became a New York Times instant bestseller upon its release back in 2021, so hopes are already high for this new offering. All three of her novels explore similar themes and scenarios—redemption, forgiveness, and what it takes to rebuild a life after falling down hard.
One of the McCrays referred to in the title is Kyle McCray, a 40-year-old mechanic who has moved across the country to escape his home, family, and everything that ever meant anything to him. However, one phone call teaches Kyle that fleeing all the way from small-town Potsdam, New York, to Spokane, Washington, doesn’t mean he can outrun his past.
A Fraught Return
Kyle’s father, Danny McCray, was a former firefighter captain. He'd been a bedrock presence in Kyle’s life since his mother walked out of their lives. Each has earned the other’s respect, but that doesn’t mean they have to like each other.Casey is particularly hostile to Kyle’s return. She hasn’t had it easy: Her younger brother, Wyatt, a talented carpenter lost the use of his legs in the childhood accident that also took their mother’s life. Angie, Casey’s best friend, jokes that if her BFF says the word, she’ll grab her shotgun and run him out of town. Casey declines the offer.
Facing the Tragedy
I initially thought that Lange was trying to be clever in a tiresome way, a common trick to build tension for the big reveal down the road. However, I stuck with it for two reasons. I’m glad I did because “What Happened to the McCrays” proved my original thinking was definitely wrong.First, Lange’s writing style is engaging, and she has good instincts for guiding readers through the moments as they happen with the right amount of background to fill in the gaps. Second, I slowly realized that Lange has an excellent grasp of how grief works in real life. A degree in psychology and operating her own mental health services company helped, I’m sure.
Casey and Kyle’s Journey
From the story’s start, it’s obvious that Casey and Kyle are good people who deeply care for one another. Kyle’s actions are honest and noble, and the reactions of those around him mostly back this up. But his internal dialogue reveals that he doesn’t think much of himself or his supposed virtues. Misery and self-recrimination are always just under the surface.As for Casey, she appears to be coping well with her family’s routines and her career as a teacher in Potsdam. She has passions, like preventing the local junior hockey team from collapsing and supplying actual jerseys instead of embarrassing mismatched tops. She also has a keen new suitor, a very successful local businessman named Jake, with whom she had a brief romance after Kyle left.
Healing or Breaking?
The couple must contend with their choices as they struggle to face their heartbreak. Reactions to grief can, of course, be almost as ugly and destructive as the loss itself. A new tragedy, Danny McCray’s stroke, forces both of them to finally face the past. Do they have the will to heal? And will that healing be something they can do together, or is their marriage broken for good?While it starts slowly, “What Happened to the McCrays?” is well worth the investment—a quiet exploration of two loving people as they attempt to come to terms with fateful decisions, anger, grief, and forgiveness.