Album Review: Wells Cathedral Choir - Judith Bingham Choral Music

Album Review: Wells Cathedral Choir - Judith Bingham Choral Music
Wells Cathedral Choir - Judith Bingham Choral Music (Hyperion)

Anyone who loves choral music should hear this outstanding CD. Bingham’s musical voice is unique and deeply moving. The choir respond magnificently to her huge demands. Listen to the sensitive way her music reflects her chosen Biblical texts and poetry. For example, on ‘Deus Misereatur’ the plea for God’s mercy sounds like a troubled soul becoming confident as blessing is given. In contrast, ‘Harvest’ reflects on the bounty of God’s care for all creation. ‘Epiphany’, her own poem on the Journey of the Magi, reaches a climax as “in the dazzling darkness God appears”. The CD also includes solo organ music. A really challenging CD. Highly recommended. 

[etRating 5]