Video: Man Builds Tall Fence to Keep His ‘Airborne’ Dog in the Yard, but the Plan Backfires

Video: Man Builds Tall Fence to Keep His ‘Airborne’ Dog in the Yard, but the Plan Backfires

Keen to prevent his youngest dog from escaping the yard, a man built a tall fence around his Kentucky home to keep her in. But the plan backfired; the dog made light work of the wooden perimeter, and her funny acrobatics have made her a social media sensation.

“I built the fence when I moved into my new home because [Lexi] had previously jumped a shorter fence at my old home,” Matt Waldman, 32, who works in finance, told The Epoch Times. "I built a tall one, thinking that would solve the problem.

“One day, I came out and she was just hanging on the fence, looking over. My first reaction was just, ‘That’s impressive!’ I then started filming because I thought it was funny.”

Lexi. (Courtesy of <a href="">LEXI THE JUMPING DOG</a>)
Lexi. (Courtesy of LEXI THE JUMPING DOG)
Lexi. (Courtesy of <a href="">LEXI THE JUMPING DOG</a>)
Lexi. (Courtesy of LEXI THE JUMPING DOG)

A little worried that 5-year-old Lexi, whom Matt adopted as a puppy, might make it over the fence, he monitored her closely. But he soon realized she was simply enjoying the view.

He uploaded to TikTok a hilarious clip of Lexi launching herself at the fence, scaling it with ease, and perching on top to survey her kingdom. The clip, captioned “Barkour!” went viral, reaching millions.
In a subsequent clip, Matt amps up the comedy value by staring at the camera with a clown filter over his face as Lexi scales the fence behind him. “When you build a privacy fence to keep your dog in,” reads the ironic caption.

“Neighbors’ reactions have almost always been of shock and amazement; it’s not something you see every day,” he told The Epoch Times. “A couple got a little startled until I let them know she was just saying ‘Hi!’

“I think she knows she’s a star, and likes to show off at times.”

Lexi’s rising star soon earned her her very own Instagram page.

The airborne pup “feels it’s her job” to keep squirrels out of the yard, watch over the neighbors, and keep the streets safe from harm, said Matt. But while parkour is her favorite game, she also enjoys excursions to local pet-friendly spots with Matt and his other dog, 10-year-old Max.

“He’s her protector,” said Matt. “He hears things way before Lexi, and lets her know it’s time to jump to check it out. Both are great dogs ... but all dogs are.”

Max and Lexi. (Courtesy of <a href="">LEXI THE JUMPING DOG</a>)
Max and Lexi. (Courtesy of LEXI THE JUMPING DOG)

Growing Lexi’s social media presence has been fun, he said. He has met so many unique people, and their pets; some people even send him “Lexi twin” photos when their own dogs resemble fence-jumping Lexi.

Matt, an advocate for animal welfare, hopes to use his and Lexi’s platforms to help campaign for change.

Roughly one million dogs and cats are euthanized in U.S. shelters every year because they lack a home, according to statistics from the No Kill Advocacy Center. “This shouldn’t be the case in a world that loves pets and animals so much,” said Matt.
Matt with his pet dogs, Lexi (L) and Max. (Courtesy of <a href="">LEXI THE JUMPING DOG</a>)
Matt with his pet dogs, Lexi (L) and Max. (Courtesy of LEXI THE JUMPING DOG)
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