Video: Barber Shaves His Own Head to Support Coworker With Cancer, Moving Him to Tears

Video: Barber Shaves His Own Head to Support Coworker With Cancer, Moving Him to Tears
(Courtesy of Lords & Barbers)

A barber reduced a coworker to tears when he shaved off his own hair in solidarity for the other man’s battle with cancer.

Footage of the barber turning the clippers to his own head mid-haircut went global, and viral, within hours. To date, it has amassed over 9.4 million views.

Neftali Martin, the manager of Lords & Barbers award-winning barbershop in Alicante, Spain, commissioned a haircut from one of the employees, Joel Ortega González. Martin has lymphoma and is suffering hair loss as a side effect of chemotherapy.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Lords & Barbers</a>)
(Courtesy of Lords & Barbers)

Martin chose to capture his haircut on camera, having no idea at the time that his footage would immortalize a beautiful display of friendship.

After passing the clippers over Martin’s buzzcut one last time, González moves to his own head without hesitation. His styled blonde locks are seen falling to the floor.

González tells his friend battling cancer, “You are not alone.”

Martin, moved to tears, buries his head in his hand.

(Courtesy of Lords & Barbers)

Later on, one by one, members of Martin’s team, totaling five, took the clippers into their own hands and joined the brigade of fierce buzzcuts against cancer.

The barbershop later shared a video montage on Facebook, explaining, “We want to show you what true friendship is, because we are all one.”
The Lords & Barbers CEO and founder, Abel Pleguezuelos, said in an interview with a Spanish outlet, Información, that with joy in their lives, cancer patients have more hope for recovery.

“That is why we did it,” he said, adding that Martin has decided to continue working despite his cancer treatment.

“He says that work gives him life,” said the CEO.

(Courtesy of Lords & Barbers)
Posting on Instagram, Martin revealed that González has pledged to continue shaving his head until his boss’s hair grows back. Martin said González is not just a co-worker, but a brother.

Tens of thousands of social media users left comments, marveling at the love and support and wishing Martin well in his ongoing battle.

“You are not alone, the most beautiful act of friendship!” one person commented.

“Courage and strength. This too shall pass,” wrote another.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Lords & Barbers</a>)
(Courtesy of Lords & Barbers)
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