VIDEO: After 6 Boys, Homeschooling Family Is Thrilled to Find Out Gender of 7th Baby

VIDEO: After 6 Boys, Homeschooling Family Is Thrilled to Find Out Gender of 7th Baby
(Courtesy of Sarah Molitor)
Expecting their seventh baby, the excited parents of six boys under the age of ten were gobsmacked when handheld cannons at their gender reveal party blasted pink confetti into the air.

Sarah Molitor of Central Washington told The Epoch Times, “There will be about 5 percent of me that doesn’t believe it until I actually hold her in my arms!”

Sarah and her husband of 13 years, Tim, have six sons together: Jude, 10, Hudson, 8, Chase, 6, Crew, 5, Beck, 3, and Griffy, 1. At the time of writing, Sarah is 22 weeks pregnant with baby number seven, and her family was almost unanimous in their predictions that the expected baby would be a boy.
Sarah and Tim Molitor. (Courtesy of Sarah Molitor)
Sarah and Tim Molitor. (Courtesy of Sarah Molitor)

For her previous six pregnancies, Sarah got to know their gender at the 20-week anatomy scans. However, since the couple knew that this would most likely be their final child, they thought of doing it differently and thus they had a gender reveal celebration with the family.

Sarah gave her ultrasound tech two bags of confetti cannons, one blue and one pink. The tech put the right cannons into a third, secret bag and handed it back to Sarah. On the morning of Nov. 11, Sarah’s sister made breakfast for the entire family and they gathered in the living room for the big reveal.

Sarah set up five cameras, “just to make sure.” On the count of three, she and Tim released their cannons and were showered in pink confetti. In footage shared on Instagram, Sarah collapses to the floor in shock, Tim and the family holler in joy, and the six boys scream and yell with excitement.
Sarah and Tim Molitor with their kids at the gender reveal celebration of the 7th baby. (Courtesy of Sarah Molitor)
Sarah and Tim Molitor with their kids at the gender reveal celebration of the 7th baby. (Courtesy of Sarah Molitor)
(Courtesy of Sarah Molitor)
(Courtesy of Sarah Molitor)

“I was fully ready for a boy. I was like, ‘This would be so cool to be a mom of seven boys!’” Sarah told The Epoch Times. “So when it came out pink ... it was just so much shock.”

Since her pregnancy with baby number seven had felt similar to her six prior pregnancies, the result caught her completely by surprise.

“I think I was thrown off a little bit in that way... really convinced that it was a boy,” she said.

But the expectant mom said that the couple has always loved children and has always left it to the Lord as to who they have and what they have, and are just grateful.

The gender reveal celebration was “epic” because there was family around. “It was so emotional and special for us,” she said.

“The first thing one of my sisters did was so funny,” she said. “Right after everyone had celebrated she said, ‘Where’s the envelope? Let’s go double-check!’ So we went to the envelope, we opened it up, we pulled out the picture, and the ultrasound tech had put in the proof that said, ‘I’m a girl.’ We were like, ‘Okay!’”

(Courtesy of Sarah Molitor)
(Courtesy of Sarah Molitor)
(Courtesy of Sarah Molitor)
(Courtesy of Sarah Molitor)

Formerly a registered nurse, Sarah gave up work in 2016, after their second child was born, to be a full-time mom. Tim, a hotel manager for his family’s business, works while Sarah homeschools their three older children.

Explaining her desire to homeschool her children Sarah said: “During the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 3 p.m., I don’t want them to go away, come home, and only have two hours a day with them ... Because I’m home and I’m able to, I really wanted to give it a go.”

“They help each other, I help them, the little ones play and sit on my lap ... we really work our family as a team; not by force, but by choice and by the atmosphere of our home.”

After five years of homeschooling, Sarah, who has written two children’s books, says that this lifestyle is “really, really wonderful ... we can say on a Friday, ‘We’re skipping school and going to Nana and Papa’s house,’ or we’re going on a little vacation and we don’t have to answer to anyone,” she said. “We can catch up later on our own time. That flexibility has been such a gift to our family.”

(Courtesy of Sarah Molitor)
(Courtesy of Sarah Molitor)

Sarah and Tim’s boys love babies and were delighted when they learned six would soon become seven. They even pray together for the baby sister they haven’t met yet.

“[Faith] impacts everything,” Sarah said. “It can be something as simple as reading a Bible story. It can be as simple as saying, ‘I’ve had a rough day, let’s pray about that together.’ It can be as simple as my boys are arguing over something, and I’m like, ‘Hey, guys, this is what the Lord says about this. Let’s aim to do better.’”

Both Sarah and Tim share their struggles and successes with their children, hoping to show them a “well-rounded view of what our faith looks like, through all of life.”

The couple shares their life on Instagram. While reactions such as, “That’s a lot of kids!” or “Your house must be crazy,” are not uncommon, a massive 99.9 percent of comments are positive, Sarah said. Women and fellow moms who reach out with messages of love and congratulation have a special place in her heart.

Sarah also credits her sons for being “the sweetest most respectful boys,” but insists that she doesn’t have to manage the family home alone. She advocates “offloading,” whether that’s hiring a monthly cleaner, reaching out to a family member, or even eating on paper plates to save on washing up; teamwork makes the dream work.

(Courtesy of Sarah Molitor)
(Courtesy of Sarah Molitor)
“It doesn’t look perfect all the time, and we drop some balls while juggling other balls, but it all balances out!” she said.

Watch the video:

(Courtesy of Sarah Molitor)
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