Explorers of abandoned urban spaces have located what was once used as an archives store in WWII—and they delved inside to reveal its contents.
The vloggers behind the YouTube channel “Urbanexboi” came across the abandoned facility while investigation an oil depot in Bristol, UK.
The adventure seekers say they were shocked to find that the archives had been left to decay and be vandalized.
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The producers of "Urbanexboi" YouTube channel explore an abandoned WWII archive. Courtesy of Caters News
A passage inside the abandoned WWII archive store. Courtesy of Caters News
“The discovery was amazing and sad at the same time because the council have left these artifacts to rust away with no indentation of trying to preserve the site for visitors or for museum pieces,” they said.
“The items could have shown locals a glimpse of Bristol during World War II.
“The best part of exploring is when you first enter a place, as you never know what you’re going to find.
“It could be empty or it could be filled with amazing pieces that [you] wouldn’t normally get to see.”
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"The discovery was amazing and sad at the same time," said the explorers. Courtesy of Caters News
"The council have left these artifacts to rust away with no indentation of trying to preserve the site for visitors or for museum pieces," they added. Courtesy of Caters News
They added, “For me, one of the best moments of this discovery was the chests that included deed polls in the clerk’s office.
“I’m hoping that the council will do something with this site for future generations.
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“At present, this is slowly being vandalized with spray paint and obscene images. I think that it should be drained, cleaned up, and preserved for visitors and locals to visit.”
"The best part of exploring is when you first enter a place, as you never know what you're going to find," said the explorers. Courtesy of Caters News
"For me, one of the best moments of this discovery was the chests that included deed polls in the clerk's office," said the bloggers. Courtesy of Caters News
The explorers added, "I think that it should be drained, cleaned up, and preserved for visitors and locals to visit." Courtesy of Caters News
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The remnants of a bathroom inside the abandoned WWII archives. Courtesy of Caters News
A sink fallen into disuse next to a broken tiled wall inside the facility. Courtesy of Caters News
The explorers find rusted chests inside the abandoned WWII archives. Courtesy of Caters News
The explorers peer inside the containers in the facility. Courtesy of Caters News
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The explorers find more rusted artifacts. Courtesy of Caters News
Rusted electrical circuitry inside the archives. Courtesy of Caters News
Graffiti marks the interior of the abandoned facility. Courtesy of Caters News
The archives interior was allowed to decay. Courtesy of Caters News
The site has suffered from numerous decades of disuse. Courtesy of Caters News