Unborn Baby Surprises Parents With a Heavy-Metal Rock Sign During Week-19 Ultrasound

Unborn Baby Surprises Parents With a Heavy-Metal Rock Sign During Week-19 Ultrasound

A rock fan dad was given a surprise performance after his unborn baby was seen making a heavy-metal sign in the womb during a baby scan.

Tom Dowie, 29, and fiancée Caitlin Welsh, 28, were at their week-19 scan on Nov. 2, 2019, when their unborn baby gave them the “sign of the horns.” The cheeky baby appeared to be holding up its index and little finger while holding its other fingers—looking exactly like the heavy metal rock sign.

(L-R) Tom Dowie, 29, with daughter Freya, 2, and finance, Caitlin Welsh, 28. (©SWNS)
(L-R) Tom Dowie, 29, with daughter Freya, 2, and finance, Caitlin Welsh, 28. (©SWNS)

The couple said the sonographer allowed the couple to take a picture as she had not seen anything like it during her 20-year career.

The startled pair from Glasgow, Scotland, is leaving the sex of their baby a surprise until the due date in March 2020.

Tom, a self-employed businessman, said: “The sonographer said she had been doing it for almost 20 years and had never seen anything like this.

“I’m an old school heavy metal fan so this really is quite something.

“I listen to old school bands like Slayer, Megadeth and Sylosis and Panthers.”

The week-19 baby scan shows Tom Dowie and fiancée Caitlin Welsh's unborn child giving the "sign of the horns." (©SWNS)
The week-19 baby scan shows Tom Dowie and fiancée Caitlin Welsh's unborn child giving the "sign of the horns." (©SWNS)

He further added: “So I’m pretty chuffed he or she will take after their dad.

“At the last scan the baby was just flipping about.

“He or she was seemed [sic] very keen to just get out.

“We looked over at the screen and saw the hand.

“We were just really quite shocked.”

The couple, who run a beard-grooming company called Bedfordshire Beard Co together, had brought their daughter Freya, 2, along with them at the scan at a private clinic, Baby Stepps.

Tom Dowie, 29, and fiancée Caitlin Welsh, 28, with their daughter, Freya, 2. (©SWNS)
Tom Dowie, 29, and fiancée Caitlin Welsh, 28, with their daughter, Freya, 2. (©SWNS)

Caitlin said: “Obviously when Tom blares out his heavy metal when we’re working the baby seems to be enjoying it.

“We’ve shown Freya and she knows she’s getting a little brother or sister.

“She doesn’t really have much to say on the hand gesture but she knows we find it all rather funny.

Caitlin Welsh, 28, pregnant with her "rock baby." (©SWNS)
Caitlin Welsh, 28, pregnant with her "rock baby." (©SWNS)

She further continued: “We were just so shocked when we saw it.

“We just had to get a photo as a keepsake.

“We’re very excited to meet him or her.”

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